Non-invasive continuous intraocular, intracranial, and blood pressure monitoring.
Today, one of the major challenges for implantable medical devices is battery size. Injectpower is addressing this challenge with a new generation of rechargeable microbatteries for longer-lasting, less invasive medical devices.

Ultra-miniaturized microbattery to power an implantable pressure sensor for glaucoma treatment and monitoring
Injectpower is revolutionizing the microbattery market by offering ultra-miniaturized, high-energy-density batteries that are easier to integrate than ever before. The rechargeable microbatteries have a lifetime of more than ten years, opening the door to new medical applications that require continuous measurement. Implantable eye-pressure monitors could finally make the effective treatment of glaucoma a reality. Innovations in continuous post-stroke monitoring and blood pressure monitoring could dramatically improve the management of neurological and cardiovascular disease.
The startup Injectpower is the result of more than eighteen years of microbattery R&D at the CEA—a long scientific adventure that has generated more than 40 patent families. The company holds an exclusive license to a CEA patent for the medical field.
Key figure: 10
10x thinner, 10x energy density, 10-year lifespan
Current markets:
- Ophthalmology
- Neurology
- Cardiology
Target markets:
Technology used: microbatteries, solid thin-film technology
Year founded: 2020
CEA Institute: CEA-Leti