Research sectors of the CEA
Defence and security

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Military Applications Division (DAM) Presentation of the programmes, activities and research centres of the CEA's Military Applications Division. Website in French.

| | Megajoule Laser (thematic site) A website dedicated to the Megajoule Laser facility, a key component of CEA's Simulation Program. Whether you're passionate about science or simply curious, these pages will introduce you to the mechanisms, applications and implications of this highly unusual tool.

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Earth and Environmental Sciences (thematic site) This dedicated site presents the CEA's competencies in the domain of environmental monitoring and nuclear non-proliferation. It also informs you – virtually in real time – of seismic events occurring in the Euro-Mediterranean zone.

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Magnetic Fusion The Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research (IRFM) has created a thematic site dedicated to magnetic fusion. This site offers a wealth of information on the international ITER project, of which the IRFM is an active participant.
 | | Liten Liten is a major European research institute and a driving force behind the development of the sustainable energy technologies of the future. The institute is spearheading the EU’s efforts to limit dependency on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in three key areas: renewable energy, energy efficiency/storage and development of materials.
Information and health technologies

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CEA Tech CEA Tech is building on CEA Leti’s successful track record innovating for industry. Our organization’s 4,500 researchers and administrative staff are dedicated to bringing manufacturers a broad range of Key Enabling Technologies developed by Leti, List, Liten, and other CEA operating divisions.

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Leti Leti is one of the most important European laboratories of applied research in electronics.

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Lab of applied research on software-intensive technologies (List) Located south of Paris (in Saclay), List is a technological research centre for software-intensive systems.
Basic research

| | Fundamental research division Through fundamental research in biology, physics and chemistry, the basic research division (DRF or CEA Sciences) strongly contributes to all of CEA research programs in many fields of expertise, from renewable and nuclear energy, to health, lasers, micro and nanotechnology. The research carried out at CEA Sciences will continue to be at the core of the solutions to move past the major challenges of the 21st century.

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MINOS, Centre of excellence for nuclear materials This website allows to discover the objectives, activities and events organized by MINOS. It provides information on the research areas regarding nuclear materials, main equipment, means and major facilities available to achieve and sustain R&D programs for industrial partners. Through MINOS website, it is also possible to download the multidisciplinary monographs on nuclear energy civilian applications which have been published by the Nuclear Energy Division of CEA since 2006.
Research centres of the CEA
The CEA has ten research centres. In this section, we present only those centres with their own website.

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CEA Cadarache Centre Cadarache is one of the most important technological research and development centers for energy in Europe. Its activities, distributed throughout various research platforms, focus on nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, new energy technologies (hydrogen, solar, biomass) and fundamental research in the field of vegetal biology.

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CEA Saclay Centre The Saclay facility focuses on numerous research themes, such as astrophysics, nuclear energy, medical imaging and climatology.

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CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses Centre The first CEA site (created in 1946) and the birthplace of the French nuclear industry, the CEA center of Fontenay-aux-Roses is dedicated today to research, development and innovation in the field of health.
Other CEA websites
 | | CEA's companies area The CEA is one of Europe’s largest major research bodies. It is active in the fields of energy, information and healthcare technologies, defence and security. The Companies area is intended for firms interested in R&D collaboration with the CEA as well as those seeking to offer their services to the CEA.

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The CEA's e-tendering Portal On the CEA's procurement portal, you can browse open contracts and download documents for each procurement procedure .

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National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN) Presentation of the activities of the National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, a higher education institution within the CEA and under the joint supervision of the Ministries for Education and Industry .
 | | Enhanced Eurotalents Enhanced Eurotalents (2014 - 2018) is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Programme, co-funded by the European Commission and managed by the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), aiming at fostering international mobility of researchers at post-doctoral level and more, by offering fellowships from 12 to 36 months.

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Visiatome An information centre open to the public in Marcoule, with 600 m² of expositions for exploring radioactivity and its applications, radioactive waste and its treatment, and nuclear energy along with other energy sources.