The CEA is positioned as a major player in the European Research Area (ERA). The DSV partakes in this dynamic of European cooperation, on issues of health and energy. Its commitment is reflected in its active participation in European Framework Programs (FP) for research and development, the main tools for financing European research. Thus, within the 7th Framework Program (FP7), nearly 100 projects involving teams from the DSV were funded by the European Commission between 2007 and 2013. This has contributed to scientific advances (research projects) and the structuring of research in Europe (with strong involvement in infrastructure programs).
The DSV in FP7: almost 100 projects funded by the European Commission
Research projects
- 63 collaborative research projects supported within the framework of the “cooperation” program, but also the joint technological initiatives IMI (Innovative medicines initiative) and FCH (Fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking), respectively in the fields of innovative medicines and hydrogen technologies. Well over half of the projects concern health, with the others being attached to the biotechnology, nanotechnology and energy fields.
- 11 ERC (European Research Council) projects. These prestigious grants are intended to support exploratory research (Starting, consolidator and advanced grants) or to promote applications (Proof of concept) by selecting and funding projects put forward by the best European researchers.
- 2 coordination and support actions for research in the fields of nanomedicine and personalized medicine.
- 14 projects for the mobility of researchers and the creation of networks, funded by the Marie Curie and COST programs. The co-funded program CEA Enhanced Eurotalents, financed within FP7, has also contributed to hosting post-doctoral researchers within DSV laboratories.
Infrastructure projects
The DSV has been strongly involved in European research infrastructure projects funded by the European Commission. Its teams have participated in the establishment of five of these infrastructures in the fields of proteomics, genomics, structural biology, medical imaging and translational research.
For more information: see the ensemble of projects funded by FP7.
From FP7 towards Horizon 2020

With the new funding program Horizon 2020 launched by the European Commission, the DSV is reinforcing its policy of support to researchers in order to increase their participation in European calls for projects. Thus, information and accompaniment actions are implemented, especially to help design collaborative projects and ERC projects.
In addition, the DSV is involved in the National Contact Points (NCPs) network of the Horizon 2020 program, where it is responsible for distributing information and raising awareness in the research and innovation communities to European programs. Two DSV representatives are respectively members of the health and infrastructures NCPs.
A new opportunity for mobility
Enhanced Eurotalents is the new mobility program of the CEA co-funded by the European Commission. Its objective is to increase and facilitate the mobility of foreign researchers into CEA laboratories.