"Carbon sinks in Europe : stakeholders taking action to bring out the next solutions for carbon neutrality"
The French Energy Research Alliance (ANCRE), in partnership with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).
Carbon sinks are indispensable to reaching the European Union's net zero emissions target by 2050.
Based on the recent Ancre Alliance's carbon sink position paper, and with the support of EERA, this seminar aims to share knowledge on natural and technological carbon sink solutions and identify priority actions at the European level.
The draft agenda proposes three roundtables :
Roundtable 1 : Preservation/knowledge of carbon sinks in totally or predominantly natural areas (natural habitats, protected areas, aquatic ecosystems, etc.),
Roundtable 2 : Actions to deploy carbon stocking practices through biomass management (agriculture, forestry, urban areas, industrial wastelands, other anthropised areas, etc.),
Roundtable 3 : The most practical solutions for atmospheric and biogenic carbon capture and storage (industrial pathways, geological reservoirs, long-life materials, etc.).
The event will count on participants from the European Commission, European Parliament, EERA, European research and technologies organisations, professional and non-governmental associations, ANCRE President and experts members.