Chercheur, Responsable du pôle Modélisation Economique des Systèmes Energétiques
Stéphane works at CEA I-Tésé as a senior energy systems modeller. He has more than 15 years of experience in the domain, acquired in the private sector (Airbus) and public research institutions (European Commission – JRC in Spain ; IFPEN in France). He has designed, developed and used several mathematical models from partial equilibrium to integrated assessment modelling frameworks. He has broad modelling experience ranging from the supply of energy to energy conversion and demand-side options. His research interests include energy systems modelling, mathematical programming, decision-making under uncertainty, and integrated assessment of energy policies. In the Energy Systems Modelling working group of I-Tésé, he works with a global TIMES model.
Stéphane holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Montpellier, a specialized Mastère in Optimization of Energy Systems from Mines Paris – PSL, and a Masters degree in Engineering from Mines Saint-Etienne.
R. Garaffa, M. Weitzel, T. Vandyck, K. Keramidas, P. Dowling, F. Fosse, S. Tchung-Ming, A. Díaz Vázquez, P. Russ, B. Schade, A. Schmitz, J. Després, A. Soria Ramirez, A. Diaz Rincon, L. Rey Los Santos, K. Wojtowicz, Stocktake of G20 countries' climate pledges reveals limited macroeconomic costs and employment shifts, One Earth, 2023, 6(11): 1591-1604, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2023.10.012
A. Diaz, S. Tchung-Ming, A. Diaz Vazquez, N.A. Matei, E. Moreno Cruz, F. Fosse, Understanding Sectoral Integration in Energy Systems Through Complex Network Analysis, In: Cherifi, H., Mantegna, R.N., Rocha, L.M., Cherifi, C., Micciche, S. (eds) Complex Networks and Their Applications XI. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016 2022. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1078. Springer, Cham, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21131-7_38
C. Nicolas, S. Tchung-Ming, O. Bahn, E. Delage, Robust Enough? Exploring Temperature-Constrained Energy Transition Pathways under Climate Uncertainty, Energies, 2021, 14(24), 8595, https://doi.org/10.3390/en14248595
T. Vandyck, K. Keramidas, S. Tchung-Ming, M. Weitzel, R. van Dingenen, Quantifying air quality co-benefits of climate policy across sectors and regions, Climatic Change, 2020, 163:1501–1517, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-020-02685-7
T. Vandyck, M. Weitzel , K. Keramidas , M. Amann , P. Capros , M. den Elzen , S. Frank , S. Tchung-Ming , A. Diaz Vazquez , B. Saveyn, Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies, Nature Climate Change, 2019, 9:345–347, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-019-0453-5
O. Massol, S. Tchung-Ming, A. Banal-Estanol, Capturing industrial CO2 emissions in Spain: Infrastructures, costs and break-even prices, Energy Policy, 2018, 115:545-560, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221715004245
B. Alex, S. Tchung-Ming, Le syndrome hollandais à l'épreuve des prix du pétrole: de la faillite économique aux recompositions (géo)politiques, Revue Internationale et Stratégique, 2016, vol. 4, https://www.cairn.info/load_pdf.php?ID_ARTICLE=RIS_104_0069
F. Menten, S. Tchung-Ming, F. Bouvart, D. Lorne, Lessons from the use of a long-term energy model for consequential life cycle assessment: The BTL case, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 43:942-960, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364032114010119
O. Massol, S. Tchung-Ming, A. Banal-Estanol, Joining the CCS Club! The economics of CO2 Pipeline Projects, European Journal of Operations Research, 2015, 247(1):259-275, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221715004245
O. Massol, S. Tchung-Ming, Cooperation among liquefied natural gas suppliers: is rationalization the sole objective?, Energy Economics, 2010, 32(4):933-947, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140988310000320
A. Kanudia, M. Labriet, R. Loulou, C. Nicolas, S. Tchung-Ming, Energy decisions in an uncertain climate and technology outlook : how stochastic and robust analyses can assist policy-makers, Informing energy and climate policies using energy systems models, Springer Series in Energy Systems, G. Giannakidis eds., 2015, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007\%2F978-3-319-16540-0_4
C. Nicolas, S. Tchung-Ming, E. Hache, Energy transition in transportation under cost uncertainty - an assessment based on robust optimization, Les Cahiers de l'économie d'IFPEN (109), 2016, http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/drmwpaper/2016-29.htm
C. Nicolas, V. Saint-Antonin, S. Tchung-Ming, (How) does sectoral detail affect the robustness of policy insights from energy system models? The refining sector's example, Les Cahiers de l'économie d'IFPEN (98), 2014, https://economix.fr/fr/dt/2014.php?id=395
D. Lorne, S. Tchung-Ming, The French Biofuels Mandates under Cost Uncertainty, Les Cahiers de l'économie d'IFPEN (87), 2012
Keramidas, K., Fosse, F., Diaz Vazquez, A., Dowling, P., Garaffa, R., Després, J., Russ, H.P., Schade, B., Schmitz, A., Soria Ramirez, A., Vandyck, T., Weitzel, M., Tchung-Ming, S., Diaz Rincon, A., Rey Los Santos, L. and Wojtowicz, K., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2021: Advancing towards climate neutrality, EUR 30861 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-42314-0, 2021, doi:10.2760/410610
Keramidas, K., Fosse, F., Diaz Vazquez, A., Schade, B., Tchung-Ming, S., Weitzel, M., Vandyck, T. and Wojtowicz, K., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2020: A New Normal beyond Covid-19, EUR 30558 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-28417-8, 2020, doi:10.2760/608429
Keramidas, K., Diaz Vazquez, A., Weitzel, M., Vandyck, T., Tamba, M., Tchung-Ming, S., Soria-Ramirez, A., Krause, J., Van Dingenen, R., Chai, Q., Fu, S. and Wen, X., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2019: Electrification for the low-carbon transition –-The role of electrification in low-carbon pathways, with a global and regional focus on EU and China, EUR 30053 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-76-15065-7, doi:10.2760/350805, JRC119619, 2020
Keramidas, K., Tchung-Ming, S., Diaz-Vazquez, A. R., Weitzel, M., Vandyck, T., Després, J., Schmitz, A., Rey Los Santos, L., Wojtowicz, K., Schade, B., Saveyn, B., Soria-Ramirez, A., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2018: Sectoral mitigation options towards a low-emissions economy – Global context to the EU strategy for long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction, EUR 29462 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-79-97462-5, doi:10.2760/67475, JRC113446, 2018, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC113446/kj1a29462enn_geco2018.pdf
Tchung-Ming, S., Diaz-Vazquez, A. R., Keramidas, K., Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2018:GHG and energy balances – Supplementary material to "Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2018: Sectoral mitigation options towards a low-emissions economy", EUR 29573 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-98399-3, doi: 10.2760/438139, JRC114840, 2018, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC114840/geco_2018_energy-ghg_balances_20181213.pdf
Kendall Esmeijer, Michel den Elzen, David Gernaat, Detlef van Vuuren, Jonathan Doelman, Kimon Keramidas, Stéphane Tchung-Ming, Jacques Després, Andreas Schmitz, Nicklas Forsell, Petr Havlik and Stefan Frank, 2°C AND 1.5°C SCENARIOS AND POSSIBILITIES OF LIMITING THE USE OF BECCS AND BIO-ENERGY, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, 2018, https://www.pbl.nl/sites/default/files/downloads/pbl-2018-2-degree-and-1-5-degree-scenarios-and-possibilities-of-limiting-the-use-of-beccs-and-bio-energy_3133.pdf
L. Mantzos, T. Wiesenthal, N-A. Matei, M. Rozsai, S. Tchung-Ming, H. P. Russ, A. Soria Ramirez, JRC-IDEES: Integrated Database of the European Energy Sector: Methodological note, Publications Office of the European Union, 2017, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC108244/kjna28773enn.pdf
F. Bouvart, E. Hache, F. Querini, S. Tchung-Ming, Recommandations pratiques pour l'ACV prospective : références et exemples dans le domaine de l'énergie, Rapport d'étude SCORELCA, Décembre 2016, https://www.scorelca.org/scorelca/etudes-acv.php#rapport23
E. Hache, S. Tchung-Ming, Le bon scénario pour booster les ventes de voitures électriques, The Conversation, 2016, https://theconversation.com/le-bon-scenario-pour-booster-les-ventes-de-voitures-electriques-61789
T. Bachmann, F. Bouvart, B. Chèze, P.Gastineau, A. Kanudia, P.Preiss, A.Stoffregen, S. Tchung-Ming, S.Vinot, SCelecTRA -- Scenarios for the Electrification of Transport -- Final Report, European collaborative project SCelecTRA -– Program 190-0190-THUR-BASF -- Eranet+, 2015, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/scelectra_report.pdf
F. Bouvart, A. Kanudia, S. Tchung-Ming, Towards a “Consequential Life cycle assessment" of electromobility policies: Environmental assessment of electromobility deployment scenarios in climate policies, European collaborative project SCelecTRA – Program 190-0190-THUR-BASF -- Eranet+, 2015, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/scelectra_d3_2_towards_a_consequential_life_cycle_assessment_of_electromobility_policies.pdf
B. Chèze, P.Gastineau, S. Tchung-Ming, Policy scenarios to sustain EV deployment, European collaborative project SCelecTRA -– Program 190-0190-THUR-BASF -- Eranet+, 2015, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/scelectra_d4_1_policy_scenarios_to_sustain_ev_deployment.pdf
A. Kanudia, S. Tchung-Ming, Energy systems analysis of electromobility deployment scenarios in Europe: a 2030-2035 perspective, European collaborative project SCelecTRA -– Program 190-0190-THUR-BASF -- Eranet+, 2015, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/scelectra_d4_2_energy_systems_analysis_of_electromobility_deployment_scenarios_in_europe_a_2030_2035_perspective.pdf
F. Bouvart, S. Tchung-Ming, Lessons learned from conducting A-LCA and model-based environmental assessments: Towards a “Consequential Life cycle assessment" of electromobility policies, European collaborative project SCelecTRA -– Program 190-0190-THUR-BASF -- Eranet+, 2015, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/scelectra_d3_4_lessons_learned_from_conducting_alca_and_modelbased_environmental_assessments.pdf
S. Tchung-Ming, Investments in CO2 trunklines: business models and cost allocation -- public summary, European Collaborative Project COCATE -- GA No. 241381 -- FP7, 2013, https://admin-prisme-internet.ifpen.fr/Projet/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-08/cocate_d421_public_summary.pdf
F. Bouvart, A. Prieur, S. Tchung-Ming, ANABIO / BIOMAP : un guide pour l'évaluation multicritères de filières bioénergies, ANR Project, 2010, http://www.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr/Publications/Analyses-technico-economiques/Autres-etudes-disponibles/ANABIO-BIOMAP-un-guide-pour-l-evaluation-multicriteres-de-filieres-bioenergies