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European collaborations

Climate and the environment

​Learn about the main European bodies and infrastructures to which the CEA contributes in the field of the climate and the environment.

Published on 22 November 2019

​Raw materials

Sustainable Process Industry Through Resource and Energy Efficiency – A.SPIRE

The CEA is a member of A.SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry Through Resource and Energy Efficiency), a European association committed to reducing the use of fossil fuels and non-renewable raw materials.

EIT raw materials

The CEA is one of the founding members of EIT Raw materials. This KIC was created under the impetus of the European Institute of Technology (EIT). The strategy of KIC Raw Materials is to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy. It focuses on three key areas of innovation: 1) education by developing and financing initial and vocational training; 2) support and investment in start-ups to develop sustainable businesses; and 3) funding of collaborative European projects driving innovation and leading to commercially viable outcomes with return on investment for KIC Raw materials. KIC Raw Materials has six different centres throughout Europe, each focusing on a different theme. The CEA is highly involved in the Franco-German colocation centre in Metz, which deals with issues such as substitution, efficient processes for the resources, and recycling of strategic metals.

European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials

The CEA contributes to the working groups of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials. European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) constitute a new approach in European research and innovation. EIPs are focused on finding solutions for challenges, on the benefits for society and on modernising sectors rapidly; they streamline, simplify and coordinate the existing initiatives more effectively, supplementing with new actions if necessary.  This should enable the partners to cooperate more easily and obtain better, faster results than those they are able to obtain using already existing resources.  Consequently, they rely on the tools and actions that are already applicable and, when justifiable, they integrate them into a single, consistent legal framework.

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy for Mining and Recycling Innovation Association - PROMETIA

The CEA is an active member of the PROMETIA Association, which aims to build a European research and development network on ore processing and extractive metallurgy for the upgrading of primary and secondary resources.


EIT Climate KIC

The CEA is a founding member of the Climate KIC, which promotes innovation to address climate change. The Climate KIC brings universities, research institutes and businesses together. The CEA plays a particularly active role within the French colocation centre in Paris.

Detecting seismic events

Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC)

The CEA is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), a warning network for earthquake analysis and rapid information.   The EMSC works to integrate the Euro-Mediterranean community in this field.