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Torsional nano-resonator: Characterization of a nonlinear hardening behavior and noise analysis

Publié le 29 mars 2018
Torsional nano-resonator: Characterization of a nonlinear hardening behavior and noise analysis
Laurent L., Yon J.-J., Moulet J.-S., Imperinetti P., Duraffourg L.
Source-TitleProceedings of IEEE Sensors
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, CEA, LETI, Minatec Campus, Grenoble, France
Mechanical resonators are mainly used for sensing many physical phenomena (temperature, forces, mass...) because of their high frequency stability. We designed an uncooled infrared thermal sensor based on mechanical resonance which is more sensitive than previous mechanical resonators dedicated to IR sensing, especially considering pixel surface. However, to reach resistive bolometer performances, noise of our devices still needs to be improved. In this outlook, a thorough investigation of mechanical behavior has been achieved to understand linear dynamic range limitations. We report for the first time a mixed nonlinear behavior in torsional resonance (up to 10° deflection) and discuss the presence of an unexpected plateau in the Allan deviation (at 10-7 level). © 2016 IEEE.
1/f noise, Allan deviation, Mixed behavior, nonlinearity, Torsional resonators
Resonance, 1/F noise, Allan deviation, Mixed behavior, nonlinearity, Torsional resonator, Resonators
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