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A New Method for Series Resistance Extraction of Nanometer MOSFETs

Publié le 29 mars 2018
A New Method for Series Resistance Extraction of Nanometer MOSFETs
Trevisoli R., Doria R.T., De Souza M., Barraud S., Vinet M., Casse M., Reimbold G., Faynot O., Ghibaudo G., Pavanello M.A.
Source-TitleIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, LETI, Commissariat À l'Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives, Grenoble, France, Institut de Microélectronique Electromagnétisme et Photonique et le, Laboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation, Minatec, Grenoble, France
This paper presents a new method for the series resistance extraction in ultimate MOSFETs using a single drain current versus gate voltage characteristic curve. The method is based on the Y-function curve, such that the series resistance is obtained through the curve of the total resistance as a function of the inverse of the Y-function. It includes both first-and second-order mobility degradation factors. To validate the proposed method, numerical simulations have been performed for devices of different characteristics. Besides, the method applicability has been demonstrated for experimental silicon nanowires and FinFETs. Apart from that, devices with different channel lengths can be used to estimate the mobility degradation factor influence. © 1963-2012 IEEE.
Extraction method, MOSFETs, nanowires, series resistance
Drain current, Electric resistance, Extraction, Inverse problems, Numerical methods, Channel length, FinFETs, Gate voltages, Mobility degradation, Second orders, Series resistances, Silicon nanowires, Total resistance, MOSFET devices
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