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Low Temperature Characterization of Hole Mobility in Sub-14nm Gate Length Si0.7Ge0.3 Tri-Gate pMOSFETs

Publié le 29 mars 2018
Low Temperature Characterization of Hole Mobility in Sub-14nm Gate Length Si0.7Ge0.3 Tri-Gate pMOSFETs
Laviéville R., Le Royer C., Barraud S., Ghibaudo G.
Source-TitleJournal of Physics: Conference Series
IMEP-LAHC, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Minatec Campus, Grenoble, France, LETI-CEA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Minatec Campus, Grenoble, France
We performed low temperature characterization of hole mobility in SiGe Trigate nanowires (NW) with gate length scaled down to 10nm. Trigate NWs with high-k/metal gate stack were fabricated on SOI wafers using solely optical lithography to design the wires with width down to 15nm. Drain current measurements are conducted within a cryogenic probe station enabling study on a 80K-350K temperature range. From these measurements we extracted the temperature dependence of the low field mobility ?0 for a wide range of gate lengths and NW widths using the Y-function method in order to cancel the influence of the mobility attenuation factor due to series resistances. The impact of the temperature over the mobility can be used to identify the dominant scattering mechanism in the channel. Overall, we observed that hole transport is predominantly limited by the extra scattering due to neutral defects in all devices with a gate length under 40 nm. Source/Drain implantations trace the origins of these defects. Consequently, these particular process steps should gain special care in the design of further node generation as they critically hinder charge mobility at that scale. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Defects, Drain current, Electric resistance, Germanium, Photolithography, Silicon wafers, Temperature, Temperature distribution, Attenuation factors, Charge mobilities, High-k/metal gates, Low field mobility, Scattering mechanisms, Series resistances, Temperature dependence, Temperature range, Hole mobility
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