Starting date : Nov. 2017 > Sep. 2020
Lifetime: 36 months
Program in support : H2020-NMBP-2016-2017/ H2020-NMBP-CSA-2017
Status project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
Françoise Charbit
Project Coordinator: ETPN (FR)
Partners: - BE: Medetch-Europe
- DE: Bioanalytik-muenster,
- VDI-VDE Innovation + Technik
- FR: CEA-Leti, ETPN Association
- IE: University College Cork
- IT: Don Carlo Gnocchi
- PT: TechMinho

Target market: n/a
Investment: € 2 m.
EC Contribution: € 2 m.

| Stakes
As Chairman of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN), CEA-Leti is co-coordinating the NOBEL project. ETPN represents the focal point for European Community stakeholders in the field of nanomedicine. NOBEL has initiated development of a joint vision on health technologies with contributions from other European technology platforms developing key technologies for health such as photonics, advanced materials, biomaterials, smart systems and robotics.
NOBEL has consolidated a joint strategic vision on nanomedicine with all six contributing national platforms.
A meta-roadmap on technologies for healthcare is being established that will contribute to the Strategic Research Agenda on Health under Horizon Europe.
In just one year, 23 companies have been supported by the NOBEL Healthtech Translation Advisory Board in their translation from laboratory to market.
To compete globally, Europe must innovate and develop nanomedicines and medical technologies with high value and high technological content, well protected IP and ensuring a clinical need and commercial opportunities of all new innovations. Technically, this will be achieved by combining elements of key enabling technologies including nanotechnologies, photonics, robotics, advanced materials and information technologies to produce smart medical devices and smart nanomedicines. However, translation of preclinical proof of concepts to the market via clinical validation, regulatory approval and approval for reimbursement by the healthcare systems, requires a more integrated and streamlined ecosystem with less barriers between stakeholders and steps. Following their outstanding 12-year experience in developing nanomedicine and medical technologies, European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) and its seven NOBEL partners are merging their networks to set up a coherent, robust and unique ecosystem, in which information flow will improve awareness throughout the value chain and right up to market access. NOBEL develops interactions, cooperation and implementation of complementary actions at local, regional, national, European and even international levels. Building this ecosystem is based on two main pillars: a joint vision of strategy or future (roadmapping) and strong cohesion and interrelationship among ecosystem members. One of the most significant and impactful outputs of this inclusive efficient ecosystem is the tangible acceleration of development and industrialization of innovative SMEs in nanomedicine and medical technologies. This will impact the EU economic renaissance by creating jobs and value in Europe. NOBEL will be unique in building the most efficient network of connections and synergies throughout the value chain of nanomedicine and healthcare technologies in Europe.