TriFactors allows the simulation of new and/or complex plant architectures such as, for instance, vertical bifacial plants for agricultural applications. It has been designed and developed to quantify the impact of certain plant design factors such as inclination, height, and module orientation, as well as the distance between rows and the impact of albedo on the plant's electricity production.
In order to further fine-tune the precision of the simulation, this new tool will integrate in the coming months new factors such as the impact of the shade induced by the installation structure on the rear side, and that of the topology of the terrain. It will also in the future allow for DC/AC conversion.

Vertical bifacial power plant for agricultural
applications built by Next2Sun in Germany
TriFactors is a tool developed by the CEA. It is now at the heart of developments and studies carried out within the framework of the ITE INES.2S and European projects.
Launched in 2019, INES.2S is an energy transition institute (ITE). Carried by the CEA at INES, its mission is to develop in France an industrial sector of the integration of photovoltaic solar energy, in support of the law of Multiannual Programming of Energy. The ITE INES.2S is co-financed by the French government under the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0014-01).