The TALENT project promotes a wide and cost-effective integration of electric storage batteries in the grid that will lead to an increase of the flexibility in the energy system.
The energy transition will only be possible through a profound transformation of the sector. Specifically, the electricity sector needs to be adapted to the foreseen penetration of renewable power generation: it needs to provide the electricity grid with flexibility, stability and reliability in a cost-effective way.
TALENT is an EU project funded by the Research and Innovation program of the European Commission "Horizon 2020". Cost reduction is an essential requirement of the project as it will contribute to the increase of batteries use in connection to the grid. It will be achieved through new designs and architectures in power electronics batteries, along with software to manage hybridized decentralized energy system, which will be offered as interoperable software as a service (iSaaS).
A complete architecture of the system will be designed from the battery to the cloud, with special focus on the communications of every element in the system to guarantee interoperability. Innovative power electronic architectures for electric batteries will be developed and tested at three different scales (multi-home buildings storage, district and utility levels) and validated at the facilities of the University of Oviedo, Gamesa Electric and CEA at INES.
As a result, the integration of electrical storage batteries along the different stages of the power supply chain will help adjusting the variability of the generation coming from renewables, hence meeting the end-users demand and accelerating the clean energy transition.
TALENT consortium is composed by 11 partners and a third party across six different European countries: Spain, Belgium, Italy, France, Austria and Germany.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 864459