Formnext is the leading exhibition and conference dedicated to additive manufacturing and all of its upstream and downstream processes.
Please come on our booth and discuss with our teams :

Liten is a major European research institute and a driving force behind the development of the sustainable energy technologies of the future. The institute is spearheading the EU's efforts to limit dependency on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in three key areas: renewable energy, energy efficiency/storage and development of materials.
The only European research institute to span the entire value chain from the development of materials to pre-industrialization, Liten's unique combination of human and technological resources helps its industrial partners achieve competitive advantage through the development of cutting-edge renewable energy, energy efficiency and novel material technology.
The institute builds long-term relationships with its industrial partners that range in size from SMEs to multinationals, in order to develop a wide range of technologies that include the development of new and advanced materials, components as well as the optimization/development of existing or new industrial processes. This privileged relationship with Industry sees us put in place over 400 research contracts a year
The powder metallurgy platform POUDR'INNOV 2.0 develops high-added value magnets and components from metal, ceramic, semi-conductive and magnetic powders with applications on the connector, lighting, electronics, healthcare, fine chemicals, and energy markets. R&D at the platform focuses on powder preparation processes designed to optimize the end components' properties—and create new properties that would be impossible if the materials were used in solid form. The platform includes a complete range of semi-industrial and industrial equipment and is capable of completing the entire component production process under one roof, from formulating and blending powders to injection molding, debinding and sintering, and characterization by µ-tomography

The LIST institute of CEA Tech is committed to
technological innovation in digital systems. Its R&D activities - driven by
major economic, societal and industrial challenges - encompass four main
themes: the factory of the future, cyber-physical systems, artificial
intelligence and digital health. In the forefront of the 4.0 industry,
developments in additive manufacturing focus primarily on the monitoring and
control of printing processes and parts produced by advanced Non-Destructive
Testing, as well as on the digital chain of AM processes, including statistical
learning for better process control, mixed data-based and analytical modeling
approaches or digital twins of process or AM components.

Within the Fundamental Research Division of CEA, Irfu (the Institute of Research into the Fundamental laws of the Universe) is in charge of exploring the extreme Universe (astrophysics, nuclear physics, particle physics). These topics most often rely on large scale and high complexity instruments that are designed by Irfu and its partners : particle accelerators, superconducting magnets, detectors, space instruments, telescopes, cryogenic test stations…
In order to fulfil this mission in support to physics, Irfus's mechanical design office (DID/LCAP) faces structural optimization challenges implying several physics and strong constraints that are sometimes opposite : mechanical strength against lightness for space applications, stability against transparency for particle detectors… Structural optimization tools exist in order to propose efficient designs for such components, that fit particularly well with the possibilities offered by additive manufacturing. Irfu is starting to use these methods on some specific case studies. For example, Irfu has totally re-designed and qualified a space detector support demonstrator, a robot wheel, a cooling plate and a flexible positioning component. This approach is also useful to spread the potentialities of additive manufacturing among Irfu design and project teams.
Within the CEA, the Nuclear Energy Division (DEN) provides the French government and industry with technical expertise and innovation in nuclear power generation systems to develop sustainable nuclear energy that is both safe and economically competitive. To meet these objectives, the DEN is engaged in three main areas of investigation: Optimising the current nuclear industry, developing nuclear systems of the future nuclear reactors, and developing and operating large experimentation and simulation tools needed for its research programmes. As nuclear operator, the DEN also has to manage and upgrade its own fleet of nuclear facilities. It carries out numerous construction and refurbishment programmes on its facilities, together with clean-up and dismantling programmes for those that have reached the end of their service life.
Within DEN, a dedicated working group, the Samanta ¨Platform, has been initiated on Additive Manufacturing as a new opportunity of innovations of the manufacturing chain for nuclear components.The main objective of the Samanta Platform is to demonstrate that objects obtained by Additive Manufacturing meet the specific needs of nuclear energy. Particularly, material performance manufactured by Additive Manufacturing processes are evaluated considering the nuclear environment and normative constraints.
Located at CEA Paris-Saclay Center, close to Paris, the Samanta Platform involves the main DEN R&D departments and comprises a set of material and human resources that can address R&D topics related to the entire Additive Manufacturing chain, from the digital model to manufacturing (SLM, DMD, EBM) and material developments, from elaboration of powders to the characterization of manufactured parts, all supported by a process-material understanding. R&D programs focus on innovative designs, advanced processes and material innovat