Twenty-one European partners have gathered in Milan, in October 11-12, to celebrate the kickoff meeting of SunHorizon, the new CARTIF’s project funded by Horizon 2020 and coordinated by RINA Consulting, which main goal is to unlock the potential for a mass-customized, user-friendly and cost-effective solution based on an optimized design and combination of existing innovative Heat Pumps and solar technologies. The proposed Technology Packages aim at covering at least 80% of the Heating & Cooling needs of refurbished and new single/multi-family/tertiary buildings.
These results will be achieved thanks to an improved design of the enabling technologies and Technology Packages, but also thanks to an integrated monitoring and control system aiming at comfort-driven optimised operation. Cost will be reduced as well thanks to an optimisation design tool and a predictive maintenance solution. The project counts on 8 demo sites in Europe.
The expected actions are:
- Development and demonstration of heating and cooling solutions based on Heat Pump and solar technologies with improved performance and reduced costs for residential and small commercial buildings.
- Cloud-based functional monitoring for heating and cooling purposes.
- Smart End User Interface.
- Integrated advanced control system and smart operation.
The tasks for CARTIF are:
- WP5 Leader: Coordinator and main contributor to the development of monitoring data-driven CONTROL SYSTEM including simulation-based predictions, end-user feedback, self-learning algorithms, decision-making strategies, as well as predictive maintenance and fault detection services.
- Ensure consistency in control, maintenance and optimization development.
- Support to design and engineering of Technology Packages: Identification of requirements and system concept design
- Support to project technical coordination: Planning and scientific quality assurance