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Publications CNRGH

Feasibility of high-throughput sequencing in clinical routine cancer care: lessons from the cancer pilot project of the France Genomic Medicine 2025 plan

Publié le 2 octobre 2023
Feasibility of high-throughput sequencing in clinical routine cancer care: lessons from the cancer pilot project of the France Genomic Medicine 2025 plan
Date de publication28/07/2020
Auzanneau C, Bacq D, Bellera C, Blons H, Boland A, Boucheix M, Bourdon A, Chollet E, Chomienne C, Deleuze JF, Delmas C, Dinart D, Esperou H, Geillon F, Geneste D, Italiano A, Jean D, Khalifa E, Laizet Y, Laurent-Puig P, Lethimonnier F, Levy-Marchal C, Lucchesi C, Malle C, Mancini P, Mathoulin-Pelissier S, Meyer V, Palomares M-A, Perkins G, Sellan-Albert S, Soubeyran I and Wallet C
Année2 020
Département / Service
LBanq, LBInf, LMPD
Date de création 
Facteur Impact 
url DOI10.1136/esmoopen-2020-000744

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