Priorities for ocean microbiome research | Abreu A, Bourgois E, Gristwood A, Trouble R, Acinas SG, Bork P, Boss E, Bowler C, Budinich M, Chaffron S, de Vargas C, Delmont TO, Eveillard D, Guidi L, Iudicone D, Kandels S, Morlon H, Lombard F, Pepperkok R, Karlusich JJP, Piganeau G, Regimbeau A, Sommeria-Klein G, Stemmann L, Sullivan MB, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Zablocki O, Arendt D, Bilic J, Finn R, Heard E, Rouse B, Vamathevan J, Casotti R, Cancio I, Cunliffe M, Kervella AE, Kooistra W, Obst M, Pade N, Power DM, Santi I, Tsagaraki TM, Vanaverbeke J, Tara Ocean F, Tara O, European Mol Biol Lab E and European Marine Biol Resource C | |  | "The complete genome sequence of elite bread wheat cultivar, ""Sonmez""" | Akpinar BA, Leroy P, Watson-Haigh N, Baumann U, Barbe V and Budak H | |  | Long-read and chromosome-scale assembly of the hexaploid wheat genome achieves high resolution for research and breeding | Aury JM, Engelen S, Istace B, Monat C, Lasserre-Zuber P, Belser C, Cruaud C, Rimbert H, Leroy P, Arribat S, Dufau I, Bellec A, Grimbichler D, Papon N, Paux E, Ranoux M, Alberti A, Wincker P and Choulet F | |  | Structure and Mutation of the Native Amine Dehydrogenase MATOUAmDH2 | Bennett M, Ducrot L, Vergne-Vaxelaire C and Grogan G | |  | Epigenomic and structural events preclude recombination in Brassica napus | Boideau F, Richard G, Coriton O, Huteau V, Belser C, Deniot G, Eber F, Falentin C, de Carvalho JF, Gilet M, Lode-Taburel M, Maillet L, Morice J, Trotoux G, Aury JM, Chevre AM and Rousseau-Gueutin M | |  | Oxford Nanopore and Bionano Genomics technologies evaluation for plant structural variation detection | Canaguier A, Guilbaud R, Denis E, Magdelenat G, Belser C, Istace B, Cruaud C, Wincker P, Le Paslier MC, Faivre-Rampant P and Barbe V | |  | Metatranscriptomics of cheese microbial communities: Efficiency of RNA extraction from various cheese types and of mRNA enrichment | Carbonne C, Labadie K, Cruaud C, Brun E, Barbe V and Monnet C | |  | Sex in the city: Uncovering sex-specific management of equine resources from prehistoric times to the Modern Period in France | Clavel B, Lepetz S, Chauvey L, Schiavinato S, Tonasso-Calviere L, Liu XX, Fages A, Khan N, Seguin-Orlando A, Sarkissian CD, Clavel P, Estrada O, Alioglu D, Gaunitz C, Aury JM, Barme M, Bodu P, Olive M, Bignon-Lau O, Castel JC, Boudadi-Maligne M, Boulbes N, Bourgois A, Decanter F, Foucras S, Frere S, Gardeisen A, Jouanin G, Mela C, Morand N, Espinet AN, Perdereau A, Putelat O, Riviere J, Robin O, Salin M, Valenzuela-Lamas S, Vallet C, Yvinec JH, Wincker P and Orlando L | |  | Patterns of eukaryotic diversity from the surface to the deep-ocean sediment | Cordier T, Angeles IB, Henry N, Lejzerowicz F, Berney C, Morard R, Brandt A, Cambon-Bonavita MA, Guidi L, Lombard F, Arbizu PM, Massana R, Orejas C, Poulain J, Smith CR, Wincker P, Arnaud-Haond S, Gooday AJ, de Vargas C and Pawlowski J | |  | The expanding Asgardÿarchaea and their elusive relationships with Eukarya | Da Cunha V, Ga‹a M and Forterre P | |  | Giant Viruses Encode Actin-Related Proteins | Da Cunha V, Gaia M, Ogata H, Jaillon O, Delmont TO and Forterre P | |  | Genomic differentiation of three pico-phytoplankton species in the Mediterranean Sea | Da Silva O, Ayata SD, Ser-Giacomi E, Leconte J, Pelletier E, Fauvelot C, Madoui MA, Guidi L, Lombard F and Bittner L | |  | A roadmap for the functional annotation of protein families: a community perspective | de Crecy-Lagard V, de Hegedus RA, Arighi C, Babor J, Bateman A, Blaby I, Blaby-Haas C, Bridge AJ, Burley SK, Cleveland S, Colwell LJ, Conesa A, Dallago C, Danchin A, de Waard A, Deutschbauer A, Dias R, Ding YS, Fang G, Friedberg I, Gerlt J, Goldford J, Gorelik M, Gyori BM, Henry C, Hutinet G, Jaroch M, Karp PD, Kondratova L, Lu ZY, Marchler-Bauer A, Martin MJ, McWhite C, Moghe GD, Monaghan P, Morgat A, Mungall CJ, Natale DA, Nelson WC, O'Donoghue S, Orengo C, O'Toole KH, Radivojac P, Reed C, Roberts RJ, Rodionov D, Rodionova IA, Rudolf JD, Saleh L, Sheynkman G, Thibaud-Nissen F, Thomas PD, Uetz P, Vallenet D, Carter EW, Weigele PR, Wood V, Wood-Charlson EM and Xu J | |  | Access to the Syn diastereomers of cryptophane cages using HFIP | Della-Negra O, Cirillo Y, Brotin T, Dutasta JP, Saaidi PL, Chatelet B and Martinez A | |  | Genetic and biocatalytic basis of formate dependent growth of Escherichia coli strains evolved in continuous culture | Delmas VA, Perchat N, Monet O, Foure M, Darii E, Roche D, Dubois I, Pateau E, Perret A, Doring V and Bouzon M | |  | Genome wide association study of Escherichia coli bloodstream infection isolates identifies genetic determinants for the portal of entry but not fatal outcome | Denamur E, Condamine B, Esposito-Farese M, Royer G, Clermont O, Laouenan C, Lefort A, de Lastours V, Galardini M, Colibafi and Septicoli | |  | Diversity and ecological footprint of Global Ocean RNA viruses | Dominguez-Huerta G, Zayed AA, Wainaina JM, Guo JR, Tian FN, Pratama AA, Bolduc B, Mohssen M, Zablocki O, Pelletier E, Delage E, Alberti A, Aury JM, Carradec Q, da Silva C, Labadie K, Poulain J, Coordinators TO, Bowler C, Eveillard D, Guidi L, Karsenti E, Kuhn JH, Ogata H, Wincker P, Culley A, Chaffron S and Sullivan MB | |  | Photobiocatalytic Oxyfunctionalization with High Reaction Rate using a Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase from Burkholderia xenovorans in Metabolically Engineered Cyanobacteria | Erdem E, Malihan-Yap L, Assil-Companioni L, Grimm H, Barone GD, Serveau-Avesque C, Amouric A, Duquesne K, de Berardinis V, Allahverdiyeva Y, Alphand V and Kourist R | |  | Complete Genome Sequence of Tepidibacter sp. Strain 8C15b, Isolated from Bank Sediments of Haiphong Bay, Vietnam | Fouteau S, Van VB, Rouy Z, Beraud M, Cruaud C, Cayol JL, Chifflet S, Van TC, The TP, Vallenet D, Oliveira PH, Mari X and Pradel N | |  | Restructuring of plankton genomic biogeography in the surface ocean under climate change | Fremont P, Gehlen M, Vrac M, Leconte J, Delmont TO, Wincker P, Iudicone D and Jaillon O | |  | Diversity and Evolution of Pigment Types in Marine Synechococcus Cyanobacteria | Grebert T, Garczarek L, Daubin V, Humily F, Marie D, Ratin M, Devailly A, Farrant GK, Mary I, Mella-Flores D, Tanguy G, Labadie K, Wincker P, Kehoe DM and Partensky F | |  | Genome-Wide TSS Distribution in Three Related Clostridia with Normalized Capp-Switch Sequencing | Hocq R, Jagtap S, Boutard M, Tolonen AC, Duval L, Pirayre A, Ferreira NL and Wasels F | |  | Pyruvate kinase, a metabolic sensor powering glycolysis, drives the metabolic control of DNA replication | Horemans S, Pitoulias M, Holland A, Pateau E, Lechaplais C, Ekaterina D, Perret A, Soultanas P and Janniere L | |  | Activating Silent Glycolysis Bypasses in <i>Escherichia coli</i> | Iacometti C, Marx K, H”nick M, Biletskaia V, Schulz-Mirbach H, Dronsella B, Satanowski A, Delmas VA, Berger A, Dubois I, Bouzon M, D”ring V, Noor E, Bar-Even A and Lindner SN | |  | Genes and enzymes involved in the biodegradation of the quaternary carbon compound pivalate in the denitrifying Thauera humireducens strain PIV-1 | Jacoby C, Ebenau-Jehle C, Saum K, Jehmlich N, von Bergen M, Bruls T and Boll M | |  | Synthesis of Chiral Amines via a Bi-Enzymatic Cascade Using an Ene-Reductase and Amine Dehydrogenase | Jongkind EPJ, Fossey-Jouenne A, Mayol O, Zaparucha A, Vergne-Vaxelaire C and Paul CE | |  | A robust approach to estimate relative phytoplankton cell abundances from metagenomes | Karlusich JJP, Pelletier E, Zinger L, Lombard F, Zingone A, Colin S, Gasol JM, Dorrell RG, Henry N, Scalco E, Acinas SG, Wincker P, de Vargas C and Bowler C | |  | Terrestrial and marine influence on atmospheric bacterial diversity over the north Atlantic and Pacific Oceans | Lang-Yona N, Flores JM, Haviv R, Alberti A, Poulain J, Belser C, Trainic M, Gat D, Ruscheweyh HJ, Wincker P, Sunagawa S, Rudich Y, Koren I and Vardi A | |  | Subtle limits to connectivity revealed by outlier loci within two divergent metapopulations of the deep-sea hydrothermal gastropod Ifremeria nautilei | Lu YAT, Ruault S, Daguin-Thiebaut C, Castel J, Bierne N, Broquet T, Wincker P, Perdereau A, Arnaud-Haond S, Gagnaire PA, Jollivet D, Hourdez S and Bonhomme F | |  | The Population Genomics of Increased Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance in Human Commensal Escherichia coli over 30 Years in France | Marin J, Clermont O, Royer G, Mercier-Darty M, Decousser JW, Tenaillon O, Denamur E and Blanquart F | |  | Genome-Wide Transcription Start Sites Mapping in Methylorubrum Grown with Dichloromethane and Methanol | Maucourt B, Roche D, Chaignaud P, Vuilleumier S and Bringel F | |  | Conserved and lineage-specific hypothetical proteins may have played a central role in the rise and diversification of major archaeal groups | Meheust R, Castelle CJ, Jaffe AL and Banfield JF | |  | A Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Reveals Anomalies for Organelle DNA Integration, Repeat Content and Distribution of SNPs | Mishra B, Ulaszewski B, Meger J, Aury J-M, Bodenes C, Lesur-Kupin I, Pfenninger M, Da Silva C, Gupta DK, Guichoux E, Heer K, Lalanne C, Labadie K, Opgenoorth L, Ploch S, Le Provost G, Salse J, Scotti I, Wotzel S, Plomion C, Burczyk J and Thines M | |  | A versatile active learning workflow for optimization of genetic and metabolic networks | Pandi A, Diehl C, Kharrazi AY, Scholz SA, Bobkova E, Faure L, Nattermann M, Adam D, Chapin N, Foroughijabbari Y, Moritz C, Paczia N, Cortina NS, Faulon JL and Erb TJ | |  | Biosynthetic potential of the global ocean microbiome | Paoli L, Ruscheweyh HJ, Forneris CC, Hubrich F, Kautsar S, Bhushan A, Lotti A, Clayssen Q, Salazar G, Milanese A, Carlstrom CI, Papadopoulou C, Gehrig D, Karasikov M, Mustafa H, Larralde M, Carroll LM, Sanchez P, Zayed AA, Cronin DR, Acinas SG, Bork P, Bowler C, Delmont TO, Gasol JM, Gossert AD, Kahles A, Sullivan MB, Wincker P, Zeller G, Robinson SL, Piel J and Sunagawa S | |  | Characterization of a novel beta-alanine biosynthetic pathway consisting of promiscuous metabolic enzymes | Perchat N, Dubois C, Mor-Gautier R, Duquesne S, Lechaplais C, Roche D, Fouteau S, Darii E and Perret A | |  | In-depth characterization of denitrifier communities across different soil ecosystems in the tundra | Pessi IS, Viitamaki S, Virkkala AM, Eronen-Rasimus E, Delmont TO, Marushchak ME, Luoto M and Hultman J | |  | ORTHOSKIM: In silico sequence capture from genomic and transcriptomic libraries for phylogenomic and barcoding applications | Pouchon C, Boyer F, Roquet C, Denoeud F, Chave J, Coissac E, Alsos IG, Lavergne S, PhyloAlps C and PhyloNorway C | |  | Transcriptome of the synganglion in the tick Ixodes ricinus and evolution of the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel family in ticks | Rispe C, Hervet C, de la Cotte N, Daveu R, Labadie K, Noel B, Aury JM, Thany S, Taillebois E, Cartereau A, Le Mauff A, Charvet CL, Auger C, Courtot E, Neveu C and Plantard O | |  | O-Antigen Targeted Vaccines Against Escherichia coli May Be Useful in Reducing Morbidity, Mortality, and Antimicrobial Resistance | Royer G, Clermont O, Condamine B, Mercier-Darty M, Laouean C, Lefort A, Denamur E, de Lastours V and Grp CS | |  | Reduced Chlorhexidine Susceptibility Is Associated with Tetracycline Resistance tet Genes in Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli | Royer G, de La Rosa JMO, Vuillemin X, Lacombe B, Chau F, Clermont O, Mercier-Darty M, Decousser JW, Ricard JD, Nordmann P, Denamur E and Poirel L | |  | Genome-wide evolutionary response of European oaks during the Anthropocene | Saleh D, Chen J, Leple JC, Leroy T, Truffaut L, Dencausse B, Lalanne C, Labadie K, Lesur I, Bert D, Lagane F, Morneau F, Aury JM, Plomion C, Lascoux M and Kremer A | |  | Tempo and drivers of plant diversification in the European mountain system | Smycka J, Roquet C, Boleda M, Alberti A, Boyer F, Douzet R, Perrier C, Rome M, Valay JG, Denoeud F, Semberova K, Zimmermann NE, Thuiller W, Wincker P, Alsos IG, Coissac E, Layergne S and PhyloAlps C | |  | Toehold switch based biosensors for sensing the highly trafficked rosewood Dalbergia maritima | Soudier P, Pinzon DR, Reif-Trauttmansdorff T, Hijazi H, Cherriere M, Pereira CG, Blaise D, Pispisa M, Saint-Julien A, Hamlet W, Nguevo M, Gomes E, Belkhelfa S, Niarakis A, Kushwaha M and Grigoras I | |  | Evidence of Sexual Transmission of Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacterales: A Cross-sectional and Prospective Study | Surgers L, Chiarabini T, Royer G, Rougier H, Mercier-Darty M, Decre D, Valin N, Woerther PL, Decousser JW, Girard PM, Lacombe K and Boyd A | |  | Genome-wide mapping of individual replication fork velocities using nanopore sequencing | Theulot B, Lacroix L, Arbona JM, Millot GA, Jean E, Cruaud C, Pellet J, Proux F, Hennion M, Engelen S, Lemainque A, Audit B, Hyrien O and Le Tallec B | |  | Unifying the known and unknown microbial coding sequence space | Vanni C, Schechter MS, Acinas SG, Barberan A, Buttigieg PL, Casamayor EO, Delmont TO, Duarte CM, Eren AM, Finn RD, Kottmann R, Mitchell A, Sanchez P, Siren K, Steinegger M, Gloeckner FO and Fernandez-Guerra A | |  | The Ocean Gene Atlas v2.0: online exploration of the biogeography and phylogeny of plankton genes | Vernette C, Lecubin J, Sanchez P, Sunagawa S, Delmont TO, Acinas SG, Pelletier E, Hingamp P, Lescot M and Tara Oceans C | |  | Cryptic and abundant marine viruses at the evolutionary origins of Earth's RNA virome | Zayed AA, Wainaina JM, Dominguez-Huerta G, Pelletier E, Guo JR, Mohssen M, Tian FN, Pratama AA, Bolduc B, Zablocki O, Cronin D, Solden L, Delage E, Alberti A, Aury JM, Carradec Q, da Silva C, Labadie K, Poulain J, Ruscheweyh HJ, Salazar G, Shatoff E, Bundschuh R, Fredrick K, Kubatko LS, Chaffron S, Culley AI, Sunagawa S, Kuhn JH, Wincker P, Sullivan MB and Tara Oceans C | |  | Genome-wide supermatrix analyses of maples (Acer, Sapindaceae) reveal recurring inter-continental migration, mass extinction, and rapid lineage divergence | Areces-Berazain F, Hinsinger DD and Strijk JS | |  | A Core Transcription Regulatory Circuitry Defining Microglia Cell Identity Inferred from the Reanalysis of Multiple Human Microglia Differentiation Protocols | Aubert A, Studer F, Colombo BM and Mendoza-Parra MA | |  | Hapo-G, haplotype-aware polishing of genome assemblies with accurate reads | | |  | Stealth Fluorescence Labeling for Live Microscopy Imaging of mRNA Delivery | Baladi T, Nilsson JR, Gallud A, Celauro E, Gasse C, Levi-Acobas F, Sarac I, Hollenstein MR, Dahlen A, Esbjorner EK and Wilhelmsson LM | |  | Rapid identification of methylase specificity (RIMS-seq) jointly identifies methylated motifs and generates shotgun sequencing of bacterial genomes | Baum C, Lin YC, Fomenkov A, Anton BP, Chen LX, Yan B, Evans TC, Roberts RJ, Tolonen AC and Ettwiller L | |  | Telomere-to-telomere gapless chromosomes of banana using nanopore sequencing | Belser C, Baurens FC, Noel B, Martin G, Cruaud C, Istace B, Yahiaoui N, Labadie K, Hribova E, Dolezel J, Lemainque A, Wincker P, D'Hont A and Aury JM | |  | Purification and Characterization of Nit, a Robust Thermostable Nitrilase From Parabukholderia phymatum | Bessonnet T, Mariage A, Petit JL, Pellouin V, Debard A, Zaparucha A, Vergne-Vaxelaire C and de Berardinis V | |  | Change in Cofactor Specificity of Oxidoreductases by Adaptive Evolution of an Escherichia coli NADPH-Auxotrophic Strain | Bouzon M, Doring V, Dubois I, Berger A, Stoffel GMM, Ramirez LC, Meyer SN, Foure M, Roche D, Perret A, Erb TJ, Bar-Even A and Lindner SN | |  | Macroscale patterns of oceanic zooplankton composition and size structure | Brandao MC, Benedetti F, Martini S, Soviadan YD, Irisson JO, Romagnan JB, Elineau A, Desnos C, Jalabert L, Freire AS, Picheral M, Guidi L, Gorsky G, Bowler C, Karp-Boss L, Henry N, de Vargas C, Sullivan MB, Stemmann L, Lombard F and Tara Oceans Consortium C | |  | Evaluating sediment and water sampling methods for the estimation of deep-sea biodiversity using environmental DNA | Brandt MI, Pradillon F, Trouche B, Henry N, Liautard-Haag C, Cambon-Bonavita MA, Cueff-Gauchard V, Wincker P, Belser C, Poulain J, Arnaud-Haond S and Zeppilli D | |  | Bioinformatic pipelines combining denoising and clustering tools allow for more comprehensive prokaryotic and eukaryotic metabarcoding | Brandt MI, Trouche B, Quintric L, Gunther B, Wincker P, Poulain J and Arnaud-Haond S | |  | Editorial: Synthetic Microbial Ecology | Bruls T, Baumdicker F and Smidt H | |  | BoardION: real-time monitoring of Oxford Nanopore sequencing instruments | Bruno A, Aury JM and Engelen S | |  | Mitotic recombination between homologous chromosomes drives genomic diversity in diatoms | Bulankova P, Sekulic M, Jallet D, Nef C, van Oosterhout C, Delmont TO, Vercauteren I, Osuna-Cruz CM, Vancaester E, Mock T, Sabbe K, Daboussi F, Bowler C, Vyverman W, Vandepoele K and De Veylder L | |  | Protein Family Content Uncovers Lineage Relationships and Bacterial Pathway Maintenance Mechanisms in DPANN Archaea | Castelle CJ, Meheust R, Jaffe AL, Seitz K, Gong XZ, Baker BJ and Banfield JF | |  | Environmental vulnerability of the global ocean epipelagic plankton community interactome | Chaffron S, Delage E, Budinich M, Vintache D, Henry N, Nef C, Ardyna M, Zayed AA, Junger PC, Galand PE, Lovejoy C, Murray AE, Sarmento H, Acinas SG, Babin M, Iudicone D, Jaillon O, Karsenti E, Wincker P, Karp-Boss L, Sullivan MB, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Eveillard D and Tara Oceans C | |  | Relative Influence of Plastic Debris Size and Shape, Chemical Composition and Phytoplankton-Bacteria Interactions in Driving Seawater Plastisphere Abundance, Diversity and Activity | Cheng JG, Jacquin J, Conan P, Pujo-Pay M, Barbe V, George M, Fabre P, Bruzaud S, Ter Halle A, Meistertzheim AL and Ghiglione JF | |  | Assessing the predictive taxonomic power of the bony labyrinth 3D shape in horses, donkeys and their F1-hybrids | Clavel P, Dumoncel J, Sarkissian CD, Seguin-Orlando A, Calviere-Tonasso L, Schiavinato S, Chauvey L, Perdereau A, Aury JM, Wincker P, Onar V, Clavel B, Lepetz S, Braga J and Orlando L | |  | The NANOTUMOR consortium - Towards the Tumor Cell Atlas | Colin F, Schauer K, Hamiche A, Martineau P, Borg JP, Bednar J, Bertolin G, Camoin L, Collette Y, Dimitrov S, Fournier I, Hyenne V, Mendoza-Parra MA, Morelli X, Ronde P, Sumara I, Tramier M, Schultz P and Goetz JG | |  | Sequence-independent RNA sensing and DNA targeting by a split domain CRISPR-Cas12a gRNA switch | Collins SP, Rostain W, Liao CY and Beisel CL | |  | First Direct Evidence of Interpartner Hydride/Deuteride Exchanges for Stored Sodiated Arginine/Fructose-6-phosphate Complex Anions within Salt-Solvated Structures | Darii E, Gimbert Y, Alves S, Damont A, Perret A, Woods AS, Fenaille F and Tabet JC | |  | Sequence diversity and evolution of a group of iflaviruses associated with ticks | Daveu R, Hervet C, Sigrist L, Sassera D, Jex A, Labadie K, Aury JM, Plantard O and Rispe C | |  | Microbiological versus Chemical Reductive Sulfidation: An Experimental and Theoretical Study | Della-Negra O, de Bonneville BL, Chaussonnerie S, Le Paslier D, Frison G and Saaidi PL | |  | Discovery of nondiazotrophic Trichodesmium species abundant and widespread in the open ocean | | |  | Heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs are more abundant than their cyanobacterial counterparts in metagenomes covering most of the sunlit ocean | Delmont TO, Karlusich JJP, Veseli I, Fuessel J, Eren AM, Foster RA, Bowler C, Wincker P and Pelletier E | |  | VarGoats project: a dataset of 1159 whole-genome sequences to dissect Capra hircus global diversity | Denoyelle L, Talouarn E, Bardou P, Colli L, Alberti A, Danchin C, Del Corvo M, Engelen S, Orvain C, Palhiere I, Rupp R, Sarry J, Salavati M, Amills M, Clark E, Crepaldi P, Faraut T, Masiga CW, Pompanon F, Rosen BD, Stella A, Van Tassell CP, Tosser-Klopp G and VarGoats C | |  | Ion channel profiling of the Lymnaea stagnalis ganglia via transcriptome analysis | Dong N, Bandura J, Zhang ZL, Wang Y, Labadie K, Noel B, Davison A, Koene JM, Sun HS, Coutellec MA and Feng ZP | |  | Phylogenomic fingerprinting of tempo and functions of horizontal gene transfer within ochrophytes | Dorrell RG, Villain A, Perez-Lamarque B, de Kerdrel GA, McCallum G, Watson AK, Ait-Mohamed O, Alberti A, Corre E, Frischkorn KR, Karlusich JJP, Pelletier E, Morlon H, Bowler C and Blanc G | |  | Biocatalytic Reductive Amination by Native Amine Dehydrogenases to Access Short Chiral Alkyl Amines and Amino Alcohols | Ducrot L, Bennett M, Caparco AA, Champion JA, Bommarius AS, Zaparucha A, Grogan G and Vergne-Vaxelaire C | |  | NAD(P)H-Dependent Enzymes for Reductive Amination: Active Site Description and Carbonyl-Containing Compound Spectrum | Ducrot L, Bennett M, Grogan G and Vergne-Vaxelaire C | |  | Community-led, integrated, reproducible multi-omics with anvi'o | Eren AM, Kiefl E, Shaiber A, Veseli I, Miller SE, Schechter MS, Fink I, Pan JN, Yousef M, Fogarty EC, Trigodet F, Watson AR, Esen OC, Moore RM, Clayssen Q, Lee MD, Kivenson V, Graham ED, Merrill BD, Karkman A, Blankenberg D, Eppley JM, Sjodin A, Scott JJ, Vazquez-Campos X, McKay LJ, McDaniel EA, Stevens SLR, Anderson RE, Fuessel J, Fernandez-Guerra A, Maignien L, Delmont TO and Willis AD | |  | Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp | Farhat S, Le P, Kayal E, Noel B, Bigeard E, Corre E, Maumus F, Florent I, Alberti A, Aury JM, Barbeyron T, Cai RB, Da Silva C, Istace B, Labadie K, Marie D, Mercier J, Rukwavu T, Szymczak J, Tonon T, Alves-de-Souza C, Rouze P, van de Peer Y, Wincker P, Rombauts S, Porcel BM and Guillou L | |  | Giant viruses and the origin of eukaryotic RNA polymerases | | |  | Cyanorak v2.1: a scalable information system dedicated to the visualization and expert curation of marine and brackish picocyanobacteria genomes | Garczarek L, Guyet U, Dore H, Farrant GK, Hoebeke M, Brillet-Gueguen L, Bisch A, Ferrieux M, Siltanen J, Corre E, Le Corguille G, Ratin M, Pitt FD, Ostrowski M, Conan M, Siegel A, Labadie K, Aury JM, Wincker P, Scanlan DJ and Partensky F | |  | One Step Forward in Exploration of Class II Pyruvate Aldolases Nucleophile and Electrophile Substrate Specificity | Gastaldi C, Tagne RN, Laurent V, Helaine V, Petit JL, Traikia M, de Berardinis V, Lemaire M and Guerard-Helaine C | |  | Chromosomal scale assembly of parasitic wasp genome reveals symbiotic virus colonization | Gauthier J, Boulain H, van Vugt J, Baudry L, Persyn E, Aury JM, Noel B, Bretaudeau A, Legeai F, Warris S, Chebbi MA, Dubreuil G, Duvic B, Kremer N, Gayral P, Musset K, Josse T, Bigot D, Bressac C, Moreau S, Periquet G, Harry M, Montagne N, Boulogne I, Sabeti-Azad M, Maibeche M, Chertemps T, Hilliou F, Siaussat D, Amselem J, Luyten I, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Labadie K, Merlin BL, Barbe V, de Boer JG, Marbouty M, Consoli FL, Dupas S, Hua-Van A, Le Goff G, Bezier A, Jacquin-Joly E, Whitfield JB, Vet LEM, Smid HM, Kaiser L, Koszul R, Huguet E, Herniou EA and Drezen JM | |  | Large-scale transcriptomics to dissect 2 years of the life of a fungal phytopathogen interacting with its host plant | Gay EJ, Soyer JL, Lapalu N, Linglin J, Fudal I, Da Silva C, Wincker P, Aury JM, Cruaud C, Levrel A, Lemoine J, Delourme R, Rouxel T and Balesdent MH | |  | Biocatalysed synthesis of chiral amines: continuous colorimetric assays for mining amine-transaminases | Gourbeyre L, Heuson E, Charmantray F, Helaine V, Debard A, Petit JL, de Berardinis V and Gefflaut T | |  | Population genomics of apricots unravels domestication history and adaptive events | Groppi A, Liu S, Cornille A, Decroocq S, Bui QT, Tricon D, Cruaud C, Arribat S, Belser C, Marande W, Salse J, Huneau C, Rodde N, Rhalloussi W, Cauet S, Istace B, Denis E, Carrere S, Audergon JM, Roch G, Lambert P, Zhebentyayeva T, Liu WS, Bouchez O, Lopez-Roques C, Serre RF, Debuchy R, Tran J, Wincker P, Chen XL, Petriacq P, Barre A, Nikolski M, Aury JM, Abbott AG, Giraud T and Decroocq V | |  | VirSorter2: a multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA viruses | Guo JR, Bolduc B, Zayed AA, Varsani A, Dominguez-Huerta G, Delmont TO, Pratama AA, Gazitua MC, Vik D, Sullivan MB and Roux S | |  | Microbial Transformation of Chlordecone and Two Transformation Products Formed During in situ Chemical Reduction | Hellal J, Saaidi PL, Bristeau S, Crampon M, Muselet D, Della-Negra O, Mauffret A, Mouvet C and Joulian C | |  | ProMetIS, deep phenotyping of mouse models by combined proteomics and metabolomics analysis | Imbert A, Rompais M, Selloum M, Castelli F, Mouton-Barbosa E, Brandolini-Bunlon M, Chu-Van E, Joly C, Hirschler A, Roger P, Burger T, Leblanc S, Sorg T, Ouzia S, Vandenbrouck Y, Medigue C, Junot C, Ferro M, Pujos-Guillot E, de Peredo AG, Fenaille F, Carapito C, Herault Y and Thevenot EA | |  | Sequencing and Chromosome-Scale Assembly of Plant Genomes, Brassica rapa as a Use Case | Istace B, Belser C, Falentin C, Labadie K, Boideau F, Deniot G, Maillet L, Cruaud C, Bertrand L, Chevre AM, Wincker P, Rousseau-Gueutin M and Aury JM | |  | Microbial Diversity and Activity During the Biodegradation in Seawater of Various Substitutes to Conventional Plastic Cotton Swab Sticks | Jacquin J, Callac N, Cheng JG, Giraud C, Gorand Y, Denoual C, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Meistertzheim AL, Barbe V, Bruzaud S and Ghiglione JF | |  | From Strain Characterization to Field Authorization: Highlights on Bacillus velezensis Strain B25 Beneficial Properties for Plants and Its Activities on Phytopathogenic Fungi | Joly P, Calteau A, Wauquier A, Dumas R, Beuvin M, Vallenet D, Crovadore J, Cochard B, Lefort F and Berthon JY | |  | Eukaryotic virus composition can predict the efficiency of carbon export in the global ocean | Kaneko H, Blanc-Mathieu R, Endo H, Chaffron S, Delmont TO, Gaia M, Henry N, Hernandez-Velazquez R, Nguyen CH, Mamitsuka H, Forterre P, Jaillon O, de Vargas C, Sullivan MB, Suttle CA, Guidi L and Ogata H | |  | Global distribution patterns of marine nitrogen-fixers by imaging and molecular methods | Karlusich JJP, Pelletier E, Lombard F, Carsique M, Dvorak E, Colin S, Picheral M, Cornejo-Castillo FM, Acinas SG, Pepperkok R, Karsenti E, de Vargas C, Wincker P, Bowler C and Foster RA | |  | Discovery of Viral Myosin Genes With Complex Evolutionary History Within Plankton | Kijima S, Delmont TO, Miyazaki U, Gaia M, Endo H and Ogata H | |  | Patient-matched analysis identifies deregulated networks in prostate cancer to guide personalized therapeutic intervention | Kumar A, Kasikci Y, Badredine A, Azzag K, Ranty MLQ, Zaidi F, Aragou N, Mazerolles C, Malavaud ENR, Mendoza M, Vandel LRC and Gronemeyer R | |  | Comparative genomics reveals new functional insights in uncultured MAST species | Labarre A, Lopez-Escard D, Latorre F, Leonard G, Bucchini F, Obiol A, Cruaud C, Sieracki ME, Jaillon O, Wincker P, Vandepoele K, Logares R and Massana R | |  |