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Publications CNRGH

Unstable TTTTA/TTTCA expansions in MARCH6 are associated with Familial Adult Myoclonic Epilepsy type 3

Publié le 2 octobre 2023
Unstable TTTTA/TTTCA expansions in MARCH6 are associated with Familial Adult Myoclonic Epilepsy type 3
Date de publication31/10/2019
Florian RT, Kraft F, Leitao E, Kaya S, Klebe S, Magnin E, van Rootselaar AF, Buratti J, Kuhnel T, Schroder C, Giesselmann S, Tschernoster N, Altmueller J, Lamiral A, Keren B, Nava C, Bouteiller D, Forlani S, Jornea L, Kubica R, Ye T, Plassard D, Jost B, Meyer V, Deleuze JF, Delpu Y, Avarello MDM, Vijfhuizen LS, Rudolf G, Hirsch E, Kroes T, Reif PS, Rosenow F, Ganos C, Vidailhet M, Thivard L, Mathieu A, Bourgeron T, Kurth I, Rafehi H, Steenpass L, Horsthemke B, LeGuern E, Klein KM, Labauge P, Bennett MF, Bahlo M, Gecz J, Corbett MA, Tijssen MAJ, van den Maagdenberg A and Depienne C
Année2 019
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url DOI10.1038/s41467-019-12763-9

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