You are here : Home > PsD-DRT-17-0119



Published on 7 December 2023
Research FieldBiotechnology, biophotonics

Domaine-SOptics - Laser optics - Applied optics

ThemeEngineering sciences

Theme-SEngineering sciences

Biotechnology, biophotonics Engineering sciences Optics - Laser optics - Applied optics Engineering sciences DRT DTBS STD LISA Grenoble
Development of a bimodal Brillouin-Raman microscope for biological tissue characterization
The Laboratory of Physics of Cytoskeleton and Morphogenesis (LPCV) at CEA Grenoble has an opening for setting up and characterizing a novel bioimaging modality combining Brillouin and Raman Spectroscopy. This is an interdisciplinary project between LPCV and the Laboratory of Imaging and Acquisition Systems (LISA) of CEA Grenoble. Brillouin microscopy allows non-invasive measurements of the visco-elastic properties of cells and tissue on the micrometer scale, while Raman microscopy gives complementary biochemical information. Such measurements have applications in the study of cytoskeleton organization, and for novel diagnostic tools based on following early mechanical and biochemical tissue alterations. The postdoctoral scholar will be responsible for developing and coupling a Brillouin spectrometer to the Raman micro-spectrometer of LISA. This includes optical system development, instrument control and numerical data processing. He/She will characterize the instrument on model systems prepared at LPCV, and move forward to first in-cellulo experiments. The successful candidate is expected to coordinate the interaction between LPCV and LISA.
Département Microtechnologies pour la Biologie et la Santé (LETI) Service Technologies pour la Détection Laboratoire Imagerie et Systèmes d’Acquisition
BARITAUX Jean-Charles CEA DRT/DTBS//LSIV 17 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble +33 438 78 15 63
Start date1/1/2018

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