How to assist and support early stage innovative medtech projects in start-ups or SME and enable them to reach the CE marking ?
In view of the mined field from innovative medical device concept to device CE marking, Hub4AIM is offering the project holders to come and discuss their unmet needs and issues with a panel of experts on material, process means, concepts, IP, fluidic, chemistry, software validation, clinical studies, project management, industrialization, regulatory management.
We organize a first session of our PoC Ddays, on October 16, 2018 in Grenoble and we invite each of you to come for a 75 minutes private presentation and discussion. We could also reply to your questions on the pre-industrialization offer of Hub4AIM.
Please go to www.hub4aim.com and complete the inscription form. Please note that there will be a limited number of available spots
About Hub4AIM: unique alliance of 4 entities JBT HubUp (Groupe JBT, Progress Silicone, Opia technologies, Sibaya BCPharMed, R&D Project Managing, ICM France and Eveon), CEA Leti, University of Grenoble Alps and CHUGA Grenoble Hospital which are coupling their skills to mature technology, regulatory, clinical and industrialization.