Starting date : Jan. 2024 > Dec. 2026
Lifetime : 36 months
Budget : 4,8 m€
Program in support : European project: call HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-6
Status project : In progress
CEA-Leti's contact :
Project Coordinator : Tyndall National Institute - UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK (IE)
Partners: - CEA-Leti (FR)
- Wageningen Uni (NL)
- PepsiCo (IR)
- Cork county council (IE)
Targeted Markets : Water and soil quality
Keywords : Water quality, Whole Cell Biosensors, Pollutants, Optical and Electrochemical transducers, IoT, Artificial Intelligence
Credit photo : CEA-Leti
CEA-Leti’s main contribution to the BioSensei project aims to develop a real-time platform of biosensors for the detection of pollutants (nutrients, endocrine disruptors, PFAS, etc.).
CEA-DSYS will work on the integration of chemical/biochemical/electrochemical sensors to bring them up to system level. CEA-DTIS will work on micro-organisms encapsulation.
- BIOSENSEI develops a real-time, multiplexed, end-to-end, tailored and reliable biosensor platform, using cellular responses, for detection of abiotic pollutants - Nutrients, Estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances); and biotic pollutants - Microcystins. Cellular biosensors from bacterial variants will be genetically engineered using, RNARNA interactive and type III CRISPR-Cas-mediated transduction cascades. These biosensors are encapsulated and immobilised at bimodal transducers (nanoelectrochemical and optical) to provide highly reliable, tuneable and sensitive detection of the target pollutants. Bespoke ultra-low power analog front ends and autonomous IoT end-nodes will enable operation and data acquisition from biosensors and facilitate easy integration in existing LoRa networks enabling real-time data feeds. Neural computing algorithms are embedded on the edge to correct for sensor aging and interferents in the (bio)chemical transduction and improve sensor data accuracy. An online dashboard will be developed to allow end users to visualize data. BIOSENSEI will embed the whole R&D process within a safe-and-sustainable-by-design framework to guarantee environmental safety related to risks of potential release into the open environment. Biosensors will be scalable, adaptable to different applications in water & soil and will be deployed in four different use-cases. The consortium is vertically integrated bringing expertise in cellular biology, surface chemistry, nanoelectronics fabrication, hardware integration, regulatory and industrial sampling and artificial intelligence. BIOSENSEI directly addresses HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-6 Biosensors and user-friendly diagnostic tools for environmental services and will allow cellular biosensors to be deployed outside laboratory settings for the first time the project and has the potential to considerably contribute to fulfil EU vision on zero-pollution.
- Knowledge development concerning water quality monitoring, sensors development and integration and data management platform through smart gateways.
Networking in sensors, Power Management and artificial intelligence. This organization is an efficient tool for the development of a first proof of concept and promotes the value of CEA-Leti know-how.
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