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Published on 7 December 2023
Research FieldNew computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantum


ThemeTechnological challenges


New computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantum Technological challenges DRT DCOS SCCS LGECA Grenoble
Design of Ising Machines based on a network of spintronics oscillators copled through CMOS circuitry
Our information and communication society is asking for always more computing tasks of increasing complexity. Their energy bargain increases quickly so that it is mandatory to find new architecture of computing processors with improved energy efficiency. The post doc applicant will contribute to the design of Ising machines which are computing architectures inspired from biology and physics and which permit to solve complex optimization problems. Under the scope of SpinIM project (french ANR funding), the applicant will contribute to the demonstration of an Ising machine based on the electrical coupling of spin torque nano-oscillators (STNO). More specifically, the post doc role will be to design the configurable CMOS chip implementing the electrical coupling. He will have to propose a VerilogA model of the STNO with the help of Spintec experience on STNO theory. Then the post doc will have to propose an optimized design of the CMOS chip from schematics to layout and he will have to assess the chip performances in laboratory. Finally, the post doc will participate to the demonstration of the full Ising machine consisting of the CMOS chip and a STNO network on some optimization tasks. The post doc will take place in the LGECA laboratory of CEA-Leti which have gained experience on CMOS-Spintronics co-design.
Département Composants Silicium (LETI) Service Caractérisation, Conception et Simulation Laboratoire des circuits intégrés pour la Gestion de l'Energie, les Capteurs et Actionneurs
BADETS Franck CEA DRT/DCOS//LGECA 17 rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble 0438782672
Start date1/6/2023

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