Starting date : Apr. 2014 > Mar. 2018 Lifetime: 48 months
Program in support : Euripides 2013
Status project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
Project Coordinator: APIX Analytics (FR)
Partners: - APIX Analytics, (FR)
- CEA-Leti, (FR)
- Movea (>InvenSense) (FR)
- Applycon, (CZ)
- Holik, (CZ)
- University of West Bohemia, (CZ)
Vochoc, (CZ)
Publications Keynote and invited presentations at the following conferences: - ISSE – International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology 2016 HAZMAT
- Protect 2016 Smartatfire final conference, Brussel 2016.
- Swiss e-print, Basel 2017
- ECPC European Conference on Protective Clothing, Porto 2018.
Investment: € 5.9 m.
EC Contribution: n/a

| Stakes
Progress was clearly visible in the ADVANTEX project with significant advancements made in technical textile technologies. The project was structured to allow for several iterations of sensor and sub-system development and integration in firefighting personal protective equipment (clothing, gloves and boots). Each sequential improvement built on an existing clothing product line, allowing rapid deployment improved sensors and wireless communication between sensors and the central processing unit carried by the firefighter. A unique wireless RFID tag reader was used to transmit power remotely and to interrogate sensors and read out their signals.
Bulk acoustic wave gas sensors were developed along with process optimization to achieve a 2.4 GHz resonant frequency. Sensor functionalization can be programmed to allow detection of several different gases. Hydrogen detection was tested but required optimization to reach the desired selectivity (use of multi-layer functionalization). In parallel, Nano-ElectroMechanical microSystem (NEMS)-based gas detection sensors were also examined for the firefighting environment. NEMS relied on the piezoresistive resonant excitation of a free-standing cantilever, which was functionalized to detect a specific gas or family of gases. This type of sensor could eventually be integrated using the product offer of APIX Analytics, a start-up company created by CEA-Leti.
ADVANTEX focused on improving the safety of workers facing hazardous conditions including fire-fighters, waste and recycling workers, steel, foundry and glass industry workers. This goal was achieved by developing intelligent condition monitoring and detection systems based on sophisticated, miniaturized sensors that can be integrated into smart protective clothing.
The ADVANTEX microsystem can monitor a worker’s physiological condition and detect abnormal conditions regarding posture, breathing, heartrate, humidity, etc. The system also monitors the surrounding environment to detect dangerous gases and to measure temperature and humidity for monitoring heat capacity/stress. Specifically for protecting firefighters, a control centre has been developed that implements wireless communication to provide real-time monitoring of movement, localization and other critical parameters.
The technology is based on integrating high-tech components and sensors (MEMS and UHF RFID). Demonstrators exhibiting the desired properties, based on the project specification,have been developed and fabricated, while technology procedures have been up-scaled and applied to production.
Beyond the direct application for enhancing the safety of worker operations, ADVANTEX developments may offer potential applications in the medical field, for example Alzheimer patient monitorin, and may improve performance training and position tracking in professional sports.
The ADVANTEX project enabled a smart vest, smart boots and smart gloves for firefighters to be designed and manufactured. Multiple sensors were implanted in each item and connected to the body unit, which collects information and communicates with a central unit monitoring several firefighters on site.