Starting date : Jan. 2016 > Dec. 2019 Lifetime: 48 months
Program in support : ECSEL 18-2015
Status of project : complete
Project Coordinator: CEA-Leti (FR)
- Prayon, (BE)
- UIG, (BE)
- AED Engineering, (DE)
- Fraunhofer, (DE)
- Mahle, (DE)
- GNHearing, (DK)
- GNF, (ES)
- Ojmar, (ES)
- Alpwise, (FR)
- Blumorpho, (FR)
- Cairdac, (FR)
- CEA-Leti, (FR)
- Editag, (FR)
- Enerbee, (FR)
- Gemalto, (FR)
- Solems, (FR)
- UFR, (FR)
- ULorraine, (FR)
- Valotec, (FR)
- Evalan, (NL)
- Henkel, (NL)
- Maa-I, (NL)
- Maa-U, (NL)
- MeyerBurger, (NL)
- Nordson Dima, (NL)
- SKF, (NL)
- TNo, (NL)
Investment: € 65.9 m.
EC Contribution: € 16.8 m.

| Stakes
The EnSo project has prompted major CEA-Leti contributions in the field of micro energy sources. Specific energy storage solutions based on thin film solid state lithium architecture have been developed.
The first component family featured vacuum deposition and advanced patterning methods such as photolithography band laser ablation, which allowed very tiny components (10s of mm²) to be manufactured with high energy densities (150 Wh/l was achieved and 300 Wh/l is imminent). Within the scope of the EnSO project, these components are embedded in advanced medical devices (dental, Pacemaker and hearing aids).
The second component family featured more standard lithium battery manufacturing techniques such as the slot die. In this case, breakthrough came from a new solid-state polymer electrolyte and specific ultra-thin packaging. The manufacturing process is well suited for applications, in which cost is a major concern while surface requirements are not overly demanding (> cm²).
Developments made during the project enabled us to achieve TRL8 level on a first generation of PVD microbatteries by transferring the manufacturing processes to a dedicated pilot line. In parallel, TRL 4-5 has already been obtained for the following generations and a TRL6 level is expected by the end of the project.
The batteries developed were integrated into Autonomous Micro Energy Sources with Energy Harvesters and Power Management before being delivered to end-user partners (15 application cases) for prototype manufacturing and testing.
The goal of EnSO was to develop and consolidate a unique European ecosystem in the field of Autonomous Micro-Energy Sources (AMES) to support the European electronics industry in developing innovative products especially for IoT markets. EnSO multi-Key Enabling Technologies (KET) objectives: • To demonstrate the competitiveness of EnSO energy solutions for targeted key Smart Society, Smart Health and Smart Energy applications • To disseminate EnSO energy solutions to foster their take-up by emerging markets • To develop highly reliable assembly technologies involving shapeable micro-batteries as well as energy harvesting and power management building blocks • To develop and demonstrate a high-density, low-profile, shapeable, long-lifespan, rechargeable micro-battery product family • To develop customizable smart recharge and energy harvesting enabling technologies for AMESs • To demonstrate EnSO pilot line capability and to investigate and assess upscaling of Autonomous Micro Energy Sources (AMES) competitive production for very high product volumes.
EnSO contributed market innovative energy solutions to prompt design differentiation in electronic smart systems. Generic building block technologies are customizable and EnSO manufacturing challenges have prompted highthroughput processes.
The ENSo ecosystem has involvesd the entire value chain from key materials and tools to multiple demonstrators in different application areas.
The EnSO project scope has addressed market replication and demonstration as well as technological introduction activities of the ECSEL Innovation Action work program.
EnSO corresponded to several of the ECSEL MASP strategic thrusts. its innovations in advanced materials, advanced equipment and multi-physics co-design of heterogeneous smart systems have contributed to the Semiconductor Process, Equipment and Materials thrust. AMES is a key enabling technology of Smart Energy key applications.
The prime aim of the EnSO project was to develop and consolidate a unique European ecosystem in the field of autonomous micro energy sources (AMES). This ecosystem spans the entire value chain from key materials and tools needed for anticipated cost and sufficient volumes to several demonstrators in different application fields. EnSO enabled us to demonstrate the competitiveness and manufacturing readiness of EnSO energy solutions in Europe. It was also an efficient tool for disseminate and standardizing EnSO energy solutions with easy-to-use demonstration kits for a large number of application cases in areas of wide impact such as Smart Society and Smart Health.