Starting date : Sept. 2016 > Sept. 2020
Lifetime: 48 months
Program in support : HORIZON 2020 - GV8-2015 type of action : Research and Innovation Action
Status project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
Vincent Heiries
Bernard Strée
Project Coordinator: VITO (BE)
Partners: - BE: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.
- DE: Lion Smart GmbH, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, TUV Sud Battery Testing GmbH
- FR: CEA, Siemens Industry Software SAS
- IL: Algolion LTD
- NL: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,
- VDL Bus & Coach BV
- SK: GreenWay Operator a.s.

Target market: n/a
Investment: € 8.2 m.
EC Contribution: € 8.2 m.

| Stakes
Greater knowledge of on-line battery cell degradation measurement by advanced sensing and analysis based on cutting-edge mathematical methods and improved thermal and electrical battery models have been achieved.
Advantageous progress has also been made regarding reducing orders of battery cell models, allow a trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity.
Development of a multi-physical sensor network deployed around the battery cell, enabling very efficient, robust cell monitoring. The different types of characteristic signals from the monitored cell (electrical sensors, thermal sensors, mechanical sensors, acoustic sensors) allow cell state of safety to be accurately estimated. The developed system permits faster detection and more accurate prediction of safety hazards; this could induce proactive and reactive safety management implementing corrective actions to prevent fires, which have cost M€s in damages, caused personal injuries and in some instances fatalities.
CEA-Leti has designed new predictive intelligence algorithms within the framework of these battery cells fully equipped with specific sensors. These establish proper conditions for efficient warning, correction and intervention in relation to major, recurrent and minor safety hazards by introducing a new concept based on safety domains and time constants. The performance achieved by the cell State of Safety estimation system developed by CEA-Leti allows one to expect to better usage and even extension of battery cell Safe Operating Area and, ultimately, greater autonomy at constant cost.
Batteries are not yet the ideal energy containers they were promised to be; they tend to be expensive, fragile and potentially dangerous. Moreover, the current EV cannot yet compete yet with thermal energy-based vehicles in terms of driving range and flexibility. The EVERLASTING project is intended to bring Li-ion batteries closer to ideal by focusing on the following technological areas. • Predicting battery system behavior in all circumstances and throughout battery life. This will allow accurate dimensioning and choice of correct battery type, leading to lower cost. It will also facilitate development of a powerful battery management system at all stages of development from concept to fully tested product. • Sensing signals in addition to standard current, voltage and temperature parameters. This multi-sensing approach will provide more varied, in-depth data on battery status, thereby facilitating pro-active, effective battery management to prevent issues rather than mitigate them. • Monitoring battery status by interpreting rich sensor data. Intelligent combination of this information with road, vehicle and driver data will allow us to offer accurate higher-level driver feedback. This induces greater trust and hence a less driving range-related anxiety. • Managing the battery in a proactive way based on correct assessment of its status. Efficient thermal management and load management results in greater reliability and safety and leads to lower overall cost throughout a longer battery life. • Defining standard BMS architecture and interfaces and gathering the required market support. This will allow a standard BMS component industry to flourish and will result in lower cost.
The EVERLASTING project extends our knowledge of Li-Ion battery cells and the phenomena at work during operation both on a system scale and on electrochemical scale. CEA-Leti’s research involving cell monitoring has been particularly thorough. The work on cell monitoring using the multi-physical sensor network will allow us to progress further towards Smart Cell technologies and ensure leadership in battery management.