Starting date : Jun. 2015 > Sep. 2018Lifetime: 39 months
Program in support : Ecsel-2014-2 Innovation Actions (IA)
Status project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
Jean-Charles Souriau
Project Coordinator: Philips (NL)

Investment: € 48.1 m.
EC Contribution: € 11.4 m.

| Stakes
CEA-Leti has contributed to the InForMed project through its expertise in 3D packaging of microsystems and deposition of material for stimulation electrodes.
Study of thin layer biocompatible encapsulation has highlighted the following candidates: TiO2, HfO2, Al2O3-TiO2, Pt and Ti-TiN deposited by ALD. Most of these thin layers are very stable in PBS at 90°C. It has also been shown that the ALD layer comprising Al2O3-TiO2 on SiO2 offers a good barrier to PBS infiltration. No degradation of AlSi lines were observed after 90 days in PBS at 90°C. Finally, it has also been demonstrated that 500nn of Pt was a good candidate for encapsulating AlSi.
The PEDOT electropolymerization method has been confirmed in the Steering deep brain stimulation demonstrator: the CV method ensures the best PEDOT film properties (Charge Storage Capacities (CSC) and impedances). Moreover, a method has been optimized for grafting a molecule to improve the PEDOT electrodeposition and adhesion to the platinum surface. Electropolymerization has been performed on Medtronic test vehicles with different electrode shapes and sizes on a flexible Parylene substrate. Electrodeposition has given excellent results.
The goal of the InForMed project is to set up an integrated micro-fabrication pilot line for medical devices, covering the complete innovation chain from technology concept to system qualification.
The critical stages of technology transfer from university to industrial development (TRL 4/5) and subsequent qualification for manufacturing (TRL7/8) are specifically addressed. A number of innovative micro-fabricated medical devices serve as pilot products to identify and resolve all possible transfer issues along the value chain. This allows validation of the complete integrated pilot line infrastructure from novel idea to real product. The InForMed project targets innovation in three important classes of medical equipment and instruments: Traditional diagnostic equipment: micro-fabricated devices are rapidly replacing traditional sensors and actuators in diagnostic equipment Next generation medical instruments: more and more medical procedures are performed using minimally invasive techniques involving laparoscopic instruments, catheters or guide-wires Organs-on-Chip and other emerging devices, micro-fluidics and polymer micro-fabrication combined with breakthroughs in cell-biology, in particular recently developed induced Pluripotent Stem Cell technology (iPSC), which leads to co-integration of living cells and tissue with micro-fabricated devices to form accurate models of human organs. CEA-Leti has contributed to the InForMed project through its expertise in 3D packaging of microsystems and deposition of material for stimulation electrodes.