Starting date : Jan. 2017 > Dec. 2019
Lifetime: 36 months
Program in support : H2020-ICT-02-2016Research and Innovation Action
Status project : complete
CEA-Leti's contact :
Audrey Martinent
Jean-François Mainguet
Bernard Strée
Project Coordinator: CEA-Liten (FR)
Partners: - BE: Imec
- FR: CEA, Idemia, IrLynx
- IT: Bioage
- SE: Autoliv
- SP: UC3M

Target market: n/a
«A large-area curved pyroelectric fingerprint sensor», JF. Mainguet, D. Gallaire, A. Martinent, A. Revaux, M. Benwadih, S. Charlot, A.J.J.M van Breemen, J.-L. van der Steen, H.B. Akkerman, A.J. Kronemeijer, G.H. Gelinck, M. Pouet, J.-Y. Fourré, S. Sinopoli, U. Emanuele, L. Fritsch, J. Liu Jimenez, J. Karlsson, F. De Roose, S. Steudel / IEDM 2019 65th International Electron Devices Meeting / San Francisco / 10-dec-2019.
Investment: € 3.8 m.
EC Contribution: € 3.8 m.
| Stakes
The outcomes provided by the two CEA institutes involved in the project (CEA-Liten as coordinator and CEA-Leti as contributor).
Specifications, design and manufacturability CEA has contributed to the mask layout of the three prototypes: PYCSEL1 is a basic test vehicle for process development, PYCSEL2 is an intermediate prototype capable of single finger acquisition and PYCSEL3 is the final 4-finger sensor. CEA has been the main contributor of thermal active sensing and has performed all the thermal simulations with COMSOL to predict the charges generated and the expected contrast between ridges and valleys, depending on layer organization and thicknesses, and injected thermal power.
Sensor process flow and reliability CEA manufactures the frontplane section of the sensor located above the backplane IGZObased TFT array made by TNO using printing-based technologies. The specific pyroelectric layer is composed of PVDF-TrFE. CEA has also checked the frontplane reliability: the sensor must resist environmental changes and chemical and mechanical constraints as the fingers are contacting.
System integration CEA is participating in the system architecture design using inputs from thermal simulations conducted in WP1. It is also characterizing the results for comparison with simulations.
The PYCSEL project development combines a printed pyroelectric organic sensor with active matrix TFT arrays on a mechanically-robust plastic foil. It focuses on user requirements in terms of easy system integration, conformability, ergonomics, large area acquisition and high resolution (Fingerprint Acquisition Profile plain 4-fingers - FAP60: 1600x1500 pixels @500 ppi).
The system involves integrating a printed pyroelectric Poly[vinylidene difluoride] (PVDF)-based sensor layer on a flexible Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) active matrix TFT foil to give a thin conformable fingerprint sensor without the need for any optical bulky and/or costly additional components. It offers differentiating properties for the portable governmental market since it provides a breakthrough in terms of mechanical robustness and conformability: advantages which also increase fingerprint sensor penetration into automotive (personalized human-machine interfaces or HMIs), machine-tool (user-restricted HMI), building (access control) and consumer (PCs) markets.