| DOT1L regulates chromatin reorganization and gene expression during sperm differentiation. | Blanco M, El Khattabi L, Gobé C, Crespo M, Coulée M, de la Iglesia A, Ialy-Radio C, Lapoujade C, Givelet M, Delessard M, Seller-Corona I, Yamaguchi K, Vernet N, Van Leeuwen F, Lermine A, Okada Y, Daveau R, Oliva R, Fouchet P, Ziyyat A, Pflieger D, Cocquet J. | | 2023 |  |  | Loss of CD24 promotes radiation? and chemo?resistance by inducing stemness properties associated with a hybrid E/M state in breast cancer cells | Bontemps, I., Lallemand, C., Biard, D., Déchamps, N., Kortulewski, T., Bourneuf, E., Siberchicot, C., Boussin, F., Chevillard, S., Campalans, A., Lebeau, J. | | 2023 |  |  | DNMT3A-dependent DNA methylation is required for spermatogonial stem cells to commit to spermatogenesis. | Dura M, Teissandier A, Armand M, Barau J, Lapoujade C, Fouchet P, Bonneville L, Schulz M, Weber M, Baudrin LG, Lameiras S, Bourc'his D | | 2022 |  |  | The netrin-1 receptor UNC5C contributes to the homeostasis of undifferentiated spermatogonia in adult mice. | Barroca V, Racine C, Pays L, Fouchet P, Coureuil M, Allemand I | | 2022 |  |  | Transcriptional profiling of ?-2M-SP?-6+THY1+ spermatogonial stem cells in human spermatogenesis. | Givelet M, Firlej V, Lassalle B, Gille AS, Lapoujade C, Holtzman I, Jarysta A, Haghighirad F, Dumont F, Jacques S, Letourneur F, Pflumio F, Allemand I, Patrat C, Thiounn N, Wolf JP, Riou L, Barraud-Lange V, Fouchet P | | 2022 |  |  | Abnormal migration behavior linked to Rac1 signaling contributes to primordial germ cell exhaustion in Fanconi anemia pathway-deficient Fancg-/- embryos. | Jarysta, A., L. Riou, V. Firlej, C. Lapoujade, T. Kortulewski, V. Barroca, A. S. Gille, F. Dumont, S. Jacques, F. Letourneur, F. Rosselli, I. Allemand, and P. Fouchet. | | 2021 |  |  | Hydroxyurea does not affect the spermatogonial pool in prepubertal patients with sickle cell disease | Gille, A. S., C. Pondarré, J. H. Dalle, F. Bernaudin, C. Chalas, M. Fahd, C. Jean, H. Lezeau, L. Riou, V. Drouineaud, A. Paye-Jaouen, A. Kamdem, B. Neven, C. Arnaud, S. Azarnoush, K. Yakouben, S. Sarnacki, M. de Montalembert, E. M. Comperat, G. Lenaour, M. Sibony, N. Dhédin, D. Vaiman, J. P. Wolf, C. Patrat, P. Fouchet, C. Poirot, and V. Barraud-Lange. | | 2021 |  |  | Competition for Food Drives Stem Cell Fate in Facultative Niches | Givelet, M., C. Lapoujade, and P. Fouchet. | | 2019 |  |  | Contribution of Single-Cell Transcriptomics to the Characterization of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells: Toward an Application in Male Fertility Regenerative Medicine | Gille, A. S., C. Lapoujade, J. P. Wolf, P. Fouchet, and V. Barraud-Lange. | | 2019 |  |  | EZHIP constrains Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 activity in germ cells | Ragazzini, R., R. Pérez-Palacios, I. H. Baymaz, S. Diop, K. Ancelin, D. Zielinski, A. Michaud, M. Givelet, M. Borsos, S. Aflaki, P. Legoix, P. W. T. C. Jansen, N. Servant, M. E. Torres-Padilla, D. Bourc’his, P. Fouchet, M. Vermeulen, and R. Margueron. | | 2019 |  |  | Revealing cellular and molecular transitions in neonatal germ cell differentiation using single cell RNA sequencing. | Liao J, Ng SH, Luk AC, Suen HC, Qian Y, Lee AWT, Tu J, Fung JCL, Tang NLS, Feng B, Chan WY, Fouchet P, Hobbs RM, Lee TL | | 2019 |  |  | Consequences of irradiation on adult spermatogenesis: Between infertility and hereditary risk. | | | 2016 |  |  | Loss of the histone chaperone ASF1B reduces female reproductive capacity in mice | Messiaen, S., J. Guiard, C. Aigueperse, I. Fliniaux, S. Tourpin, V. Barroca, I. Allemand, P. Fouchet, G. Livera, and M. Vernet. | | 2016 |  |  | Genome Editing and Dialogic Responsibility: “What’s in a Name?” | Blasimme, A., I. Anegon, J. P. Concordet, J. De Vos, A. Dubart-Kupperschmitt, M. Fellous, P. Fouchet, N. Frydman, C. Giovannangeli, P. Jouannet, J. L. Serre, J. Steffann, E. Rial-Sebbag, M. Thomsen, and A. Cambon-Thomsen. | | 2015 |  |  | Defective endomitosis during megakaryopoiesis leads to thrombocytopenia in Fanca-/- mice | Pawlikowska, P., P. Fouchet, W. Vainchenker, F. Rosselli, and V. Naim. 2014. . Blood | | 2014 |  |  | Fanca deficiency reduces A/T transitions in somatic hypermutation and alters class switch recombination junctions in mouse B cells | Nguyen TV, Riou L, Aoufouchi S, Rosselli F. | | 2014 |  |  | Spermatogonial Stem Cell Quest nanos2, Marker of a Subpopulation of Undifferentiated A Spermatogonia in Trout Testis | Bellaiche J, Lareyre JJ, Cauty C, Yano A, Allemand I, Le Gac F | | 2014 |  |  | Cell therapy against male infertility | | | 2013 |  |  | Impaired functionality and homing of Fancg-deficient hematopoietic stem cells | Barroca V, Mouthon M A, Lewandowski D, de la Grange P B, Gauthier L R, Pflumio F, Boussin F D, Arwert F, Riou L, Allemand I, Romeo P H, Fouchet P | | 2012 |  |  | TGFbeta signaling in male germ cells regulates gonocyte quiescence and fertility in mice | Moreno, S. G., M. Attali, I. Allemand, S. Messiaen, P. Fouchet, H. Coffigny, P. H. Romeo, and R. Habert. 2010. . Dev Biol 342: 74-84. | | 2010 |  |  | In vivo cellular imaging pinpoints the role of reactive oxygen species in the early steps of adult hematopoietic reconstitution | Lewandowski D, Barroca V, Duconge F, Bayer J, Van Nhieu J T, Pestourie C, Fouchet P, Tavitian B, Romeo P H | | 2010 |  |  | Early Expression of the Androgen Receptor in the Sertoli Cells of a Marsupial Coincides with Downregulation of Anti-Mullerian Hormone at the Time of Urogenital Virilization | Racine C, Pask A J, Wijayanti G E, Di Clemente N, Picard J Y, Shaw G, Renfree M B, Josso N | | 2010 |  |  | Lamin A/C, Caspase-6, and Chromatin Configuration During Meiosis Resumption in the Mouse Oocyte | Arnault E, Doussau M, Pesty A, Lefevre B, Courtot A M | | 2010 |  |  | Whole-body or isolated ovary Co-60 irradiation Effects on in vivo and in vitro folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation | Pesty A, Doussau M, Lahaye J B, Lefevre B | | 2010 |  |  | Puma and Trail/Dr5 pathways control radiation-induced apoptosis in distinct populations of testicular progenitors. | Coureuil M, Ugolin N, Tavernier M, Chevillard S, Barroca V, Fouchet P, Allemand I. | | 2010 |  |  | [Transplanted progenitors can generate germinal stem cells] | Barroca, V., B. Lassalle, I. Allemand, L. Riou, and P. Fouchet. | | 2009 |  |  | Similarities and differences in the in vivo response of mouse neonatal gonocytes and spermatogonia to genotoxic stress | Forand, A., P. Fouchet, J. B. Lahaye, A. Chicheportiche, R. Habert, and J. Bernardino-Sgherri. | | 2009 |  |  | Origin of the complex karyotype of the polyploid parthenogenetic grasshopper Saga pedo (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae) | Dutrillaux A M, Lemonnier-Darcemont M, Darcemont C, Krpac V, Fouchet P, Dutrillaux B | | 2009 |  |  | Transplanted progenitors can generate germinal stem cells | Barroca V, Lassalle B, Allemand I, Riou L, Fouchet P | | 2009 |  |  | Mouse differentiating spermatogonia can generate germinal stem cells in vivo | Barroca V, Lassalle B, Coureuil M, Louis JP, Le Page F, Testart J, Allemand I, Riou L, Fouchet P | | 2009 |  |