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Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications


​NOMATEN, same acronym for a European project (CSA teaming) and a center of excellence (CoE), is a support and coordination action aiming to accompany the NCBJ (National Center for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland)  in the construction and ramp-up of a CoE of the same name, on innovative multifunctional materials for industrial and medical applications. 

H2020 funding : CSA (Coordination and Support Action)


Published on 12 December 2019

Program life​


Poland’s NOMATEN Centre of Excellence (CoE) was established in 2018 in the National Center for Nuclear Research, (Świerk, Poland) to provide a space for international world-class research teams to design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials for industrial and medical applications. Its ambitious strategy will enable the CoE to address specific research and innovation needs of Poland and Europe in the fields of material sciences, harsh-environment industrial processes, and nuclear medicine.

This EU-funded project will support the growth of the CoE and its long-term sustainability. Specifically, it will focus on two interdisciplinary topics – novel materials resistant to harsh environments and novel radiopharmaceuticals for medical applications. The project will position the CoE as a 'game changing' research institute in Poland and improve the country’s scientific competitiveness.

Project duration

7 years

15 millions €

​Number of partners


Starting date

November 01, 2019



Joliot Institute Contact :  Frédéric Dollé


H2020 AGREEMENT ID : 857470


Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) consist mainly of supporting measures such as standardization, dissemination, awareness and communication, networking, coordination and support services, policy dialogues, mutual learning exercises and studies.

They can include design studies for new infrastructure and complementary strategic planning activities, networking and coordination between programs in different countries.

Like normal collaborative projects, Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) are multi-partner projects. Unlike collaborative projects, CSAs do not fund research and development, but they fund activities that coordinate or support research actions and strategies, such as networking and exchange actions, cross-border access to research infrastructures, studies, conferences, preparation of studies, etc.