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European Research Council

Involvement of the Institute of life sciences Frédéric Joliot in EU programmes.

Published on 8 June 2020

Find below the winners of the prestigious European body at the Frédéric Joliot Institute.

Babylearn (END in 2019)

In BABYLEARN, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz tries to explain the specificities of the functional neural architecture which are critical in human learning as soon as the cortical circuits are put in place.

Neurosyntax (End in 2019)

In the project NEUROSYNTAX, Stanislas Dehaene aims to explain the brain mechanisms responsible for human abilities in language and abstraction, and to shed light on their ontogeny and phylogeny using behavioral measures, functional MRI, magneto-encephalography (MEG), electro-cortigraphy (ECOG) and machine learning techniques

Neuroconsc (2010-2015)

Within the project NEUROCONSC, Stanislas Dehaene aims to find the limits of subliminal information processing and to clarify the function and brain architecture underlying conscious treatment in adults, infants, patients and non-human primates.

​Photprot (ERC Syn, 2011-2017) and Super-Resol ( ERC POC, 2014-2016)

With the projects PHOTPROT and SUPER-RESOL, Bruno Robert is preparing the commercialization of a new simple and economical method for extracting very high resolution images from images obtained by conventional fluorescence confocal microscopes. This method can thus be used with any type of fluorophore, simply by equipping these microscopes with a "high end" X-Y positioning table and a 2D detector.


Expat (2013-2019) and Unipat (ERC POC, 2016-2018)

Nicolas Boulant aims to apply, with the projects projects EXPAT and UNIPAT, sophisticated techniques of radiofrequency impulse design to handle the nuclear spins efficiently with the parallel transmission on two MRI of NeuroSpin to the CEA: the 7T MRI corresponding to the state of art and the unique 11.7 T MRI that will soon be installed.
 In the "proof of concept" project, he proposes to establish the scientific validity, the technical feasibility and the market potential of radiofrequency solutions called "universal impulses". The experiments are carried out at 7T in order to facilitate the exploitation of the parallel transmission technology and to provide the manufacturers with a turnkey button press product.

Mindtime (2011-2017)

To explain the principles and mental operations underlying the perception of time, MINDTIME by Virginie van Wassenhove focuses on a new theoretical framework to understand how the human mind can afford the temporal experience of "now".

Ternanomed (2010-2015)

The TERNANOMED project, involving Bernard Rousseau, aimed to develop nano-based terpenoid assemblies to improve the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases. The conceptual approach was to chemically link a terpene (synthetic or natural) to a biologically active drug molecule to allow the resulting bio-conjugate to self-assemble into water as nanoparticles.