The SHFJ opens its technical facilities and platforms to external, academic, medical or industrial teams in the context of scientific or contractual collaborations.
These platforms (PRIME and MRI 1.5T) are integrated into the National Infrastructure in Biology and Health (INBS) France Life Imaging (FLI) financed by the Programme of Investments for the Future (PIA).
PRIME (Research Platform in Experimental Molecular Imaging)
SHFJ has an exceptional technical platform ranging from the production of isotopes to the manufacture and marking of molecules until they are used in humans. This set (PRIME) is certified IBiSA.

PRIME equipement
An IBA 18/9 MeV cyclotron.
| A chemistry radiochemistry laboratory . |
The SHFJ also has an imaging platform composed of:
- Cameras for clinical diagnostic use on the sanitary map: two gamma cameras, one coupled with CT and PET / CT;
- PET scanner dedicated to clinical research (ECAT HRRT, Siemens Healthcare, dedicated to clinical research for high resolution brain imaging) and preclinical research (ECAT EXACT HR +, Siemens Healthcare, Inveon PET / CT, Siemens Healthcare, Inveon PET , Siemens Healthcare, g Imager, Biospace, Bi-modality: X-ray scanners, intravital optical imaging);
- A PET / MRI clinical hybrid system.
Scientific Steering Platform Committee (COSP)
The platform is managed by a Scientific Steering Platform Committee (COSP) which meets every 15 days. This committee is composed of the following members:
- the head of department and his assistant;
- the Scientific Coordinator;
- the managers of the preclinical and clinical platform, of the various technical platforms (cyclotron, radiochemistry, image analysis processing);
- the persons in charge of the regulatory aspects (medical physicist, radiopharmacian) and administrative.
This committee is responsible for analyzing the internal and external scientific projects, validating them and organizing their implementation.
The evaluation of the projects takes into account in particular the following criteria:
- the quality of the project;
- the positioning of the project in relation to the strategic axes of the SHFJ;
- technical interest and technological innovation;
- the positioning of SHFJ researchers on publications;
- the financial interest of the project;
- the availability of internal resources;
- the cost-effectiveness of the project;
- taking into account regulatory aspects, patient safety, etc.
ARS authorizations
- Research Site Authorization obtained in 2004 and renewed in December 2014
- Authorization for Radiopharmaceuticals and Experimental Drugs: Optional Radiopharmaceutical Preparations Activity and Optional Radiopharmaceutical Preparations for Biomedical and Experimental Drugs.
IRM 1,5 T clinique
IR4M is, within SHFJ, the scientific and technical support of the 1.5T MRI research platform (MRI under agreement between the CEA, the University of Paris Sud and the CNRS).
The SHFJ MRI platform is a clinical and preclinical research platform featuring a Philips 1.5-T MRI device and its research environment.
This device is accessible to all research units, whether academic or industrial. The platform is operated jointly:
- by IR4M (UMR8081) for scientific and technical aspects
- by the SHFJ for administrative and financial aspects
This platform provides researchers with a state-of-the-art MRI device. In addition, IR4M can develop tools and sequences for specific needs. Do not hesitate to contact us for any project on our website.
La plateforme est notamment équipée des éléments suivants :
- détection 32 canaux
- gradients de 66 mT/m
- imagerie et spectroscopie multinoyaux (1H, 31P, 19F, 3He, 13C)
- très nombreuses antennes, y compris multinoyaux, adaptées aux différentes régions anatomiques en imagerie clinique mais également à l'imagerie préclinique (rongeurs…)
- injecteur automatique clinique
- système d'anesthésie et de monitoring pour rongeurs
- dispositif de polarisation de l'hélium-3
- dispositif vibratoire pour élastographie
- dispositif de stimulation sensorielle à des tests pour IRM fonctionnelle
- toutes options d'imagerie cardiaque, neurologique - dont tracking de fibres
- cartographie de vitesse et d'accélération
- développement possible de séquences spécifiques
- possibilité de prise en charge du traitement des images et données acquises