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Joint Energy Detection and Massive Array Design for Localization and Mapping

Published on 29 March 2018
Joint Energy Detection and Massive Array Design for Localization and Mapping
Guidi F., Guerra A., Dardari D., Clemente A., D'Errico R.
Source-TitleIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus, Grenoble, France, University of Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Dell'Energia Elettrica e Dell'Informazione Guglielmo Marconi-DEI, University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy
The adoption of massive arrays for simultaneous localization and mapping or personal radar applications enables the possibility to detect and localize surrounding objects through an accurate beamforming procedure. Unfortunately, when a classical constant false alarm rate approach accounting for ideal-pencil beam pattern is adopted, ambiguities in signal detection could arise due to the presence of side-lobes which can cause non-negligible errors in target detection and ranging. To counteract such effect, in this paper we propose a joint threshold-array design approach, where the antenna characteristics are taken into account to best set the threshold and to guarantee the desired detection and ranging performance at the non-coherent receiver section. In order to consider realistic arrays impairments, we focus our attention on the number of antenna elements and of phase shifter bits used for beamforming as key players in defining a trade-off between structural complexity, well-defined radiation pattern, and localization performance. Simulation and measurement results show that the number of bits per phase shifter can be relaxed in favor of a simpler array design, if the number of antennas is sufficiently high and the side-lobes are kept within a suitable level allowing a desired robustness to interference signals. © 2016 IEEE.
Massive arrays, personal radar, side-lobes, target detection
Antenna lobes, Beam forming networks, Beamforming, Directional patterns (antenna), Economic and social effects, Mapping, Object detection, Phase shifters, Radar, Signal receivers, Target tracking, Antenna characteristics, Constant false alarm rate, Localization and mappings, Localization performance, Massive arrays, Side lobes, Simulations and measurements, Simultaneous localization and mapping, Signal detection

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