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Published on 7 December 2023
Research fieldPhotonics, Imaging and displays

Domaine-SCyber security : hardware and sofware

ThemeTechnological challenges

Theme-STechnological challenges

Photonics, Imaging and displays Technological challenges Cyber security : hardware and sofware Technological challenges DRT DOPT SISP L3I Grenoble
Advancing image sensor security: using deep learning for simultaneous robust and fragile watermarking
This PhD project aims at advancing the field of image sensor security through a comprehensive exploration of recent deep learning techniques applied to both robust and fragile invisible watermarking. In the specific context of embedded image rendering pipelines, this study aims to address the dual challenges of ensuring resistance against intentional attacks to break the mark (robust watermarking) while maintaining a high sensitivity to alterations (fragile watermarking). The goal of this multifaceted design approach is not only to enhance the security of imager data but additionally opens avenues for applications in authentication, tamper and forgery detection, combined with data integrity checking. The research will delve into fields of research from image sensor rendering pipeline design using attention-augmented deep learning models to the intricacies of embedding multiple watermarks simultaneously, addressing the requirement for both robust and fragile characteristics. This research is therefore an exciting opportunity for PhD candidates showing interest in the intersection of deep learning, image processing, and security. It provides not only a rich academic landscape for impactful scientific contributions but also holds potential for concrete results for upcoming technological transfers. In practice, the work will consists in finding novel algorithmic solutions to improve watermarking performance, designed to deal with most advanced Deep Learning based attacks, while maintaining a high image quality rendering.
Ecole d'ingénieur ou M2 de recherche Technological Research
Contact person
GUICQUERO William CEA DRT/DOPT//L3I CEA leti/DOPT Minatec Campus 17, rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble Cedex 04 38 78 09 57
University/ graduate school
Université Grenoble Alpes Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique, Traitement du Signal (EEATS)
Thesis supervisor
Département d’Optronique (LETI) Service d’Innovation et Systèmes Photoniques Laboratoire conception de Circuits Intégrés Intelligents pour l’image

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