
| Tripoli-4® is the fourth generation of the continuous-energy radiation transport Monte Carlo code developed by the Service d'Études des Réacteurs et de Mathématiques Appliquées (SERMA) at CEA/Saclay [1].
Tripoli-4® is devoted to shielding, reactor physics with depletion, criticality safety and nuclear instrumentation for both fission and fusion systems. The code has been under development at CEA since the mid-60s, at the Fontenay-aux-Roses center first, then at the Saclay center. Version 4 has been developed starting from the mid 90s in C++, with a few parts in C and Fortran [2, 3, 4]. The current official release is version 11.1, released in December 2020.
The reference that should be cited when using Tripoli-4® is:
E. Brun, F. Damian, C.M. Diop, E. Dumonteil, F.X. Hugot, C. Jouanne, Y.K. Lee, F. Malvagi, A. Mazzolo, O. Petit, J.C. Trama, T. Visonneau, A. Zoia, Tripoli-4®, CEA, EDF and AREVA reference Monte Carlo code, Annals of Nuclear Energy 82, 151-160 (2015).