Building a model of CP-2
CP-2 basically used the same kinds of graphite bricks and the same types of fuel lumps as CP-1, the main difference being that the poorer materials used in CP-1 were abandoned, thanks to the availability of better oxide and metal fuel lumps, and better graphite. Overall, CP-2 contained about 470 tons of graphite and about 52 tons of uranium in the form of oxide and metal (roughly 17700 fuel lumps, in the form of cylinders of different sizes and pseudospheres). Using the calibration procedure already applied for CP-1, including minimal modifications due to new fuel/graphite combinations that were not used in CP-1, we have built a database of materials to be used in CP-2. For each combination, we have also computed the infinite multiplication coefficient and the key nuclear parameters.
TRIPOLI-4 model of the layer 38 of CP-2, showing the fuel lumps in the graphite holes (metal uranium in the center of the pile, and oxide in the periphery), and the slots of the safety rods.
TRIPOLI-4 model of CP-2: the zoom of this portion of the lattice shows various kinds of fuel lumps (cylinders of different sizes, black oxide pseudospheres and brown oxide pseudospheres).