T4G is a 2D interactive tool for the display geometries. It relies
upon the same geometry module as TRIPOLI-4, either native or
ROOT, and therefore displays exactly the geometry that TRIPOLI4
uses for tracking.
Featuring interactive zoom, rotation, 3D displacement
before 2D cut, display of materials as well as display
of names or numbers of volumes and surfaces, T4G is a very useful
tool to check and get deeper understanding of geometries.
may also superimpose on these 2D views mesh tallies, collision
sites, or iso-importance curves. In this respect, T4G greatly helps
in the analysis of simulation results.

TRIPOLI-4® calculated axial gamma dose rate map (Sv/s/source photon) and T4G generated isodose rate curves around the homogeneous 17 x 17 PWR fuel assembly. Grid: 100 cm.