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To carry out their activities, Research Teams of the Frédéric Joliot Institute for Life Sciences have developed high-profile technological platforms in many areas : biomedical imaging, structural biology, metabolomics, High-Throughput screening, level 3 microbiological safety laboratory...
All the news of the Institute of life sciences Frédéric Joliot
A team from I2BC shows, by using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy approaches, that both excess and deficiency of Mn affect the organization of thylakoid membranes and photosynthetic electron transport in the plant Marchantia polymorpha
In 2017, researchers from the CEA-BIAM and the CEA-Joliot discovered an enzyme with a rare property: when activated by light, it enables microalgae to convert their fatty acids directly into hydrocarbons. Today, together with the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, they have succeeded in understanding and demonstrating that this "FAP" enzyme can enable the production of fuel-like hydrocarbons thanks to an autocatalytic effect.
By analyzing brain imaging data, researchers from InDEV (NeuroSpin / UMR NeuroDiderot) have identified recurrent abnormalities in subjects with fetal alcohol syndrome, the combination of which could have a particularly interesting diagnostic value for non-syndromic forms of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Using UK Biobank imaging-genetics data, a collaborative study led by NeuroSpin found that variation in genomic regions, known as enhancers, could affect the morphology of cortical sulci and be associated with the evolution of locomotion in primates and bipedalism in our hominin ancestors.
The oxidative functionalization of alkenes, hydrocarbons widely used in the chemical industry, remains a challenge. A team from I2BC used an Oxygen Atom Transfer reaction to an alkene and succeeded in capturing the intermediate species of a bio-inspired photocatalyst produced during the reaction.
Researchers from the SHFJ laboratory at ISMO have demonstrated the value of platinum nanoparticles as potential radiosensitizing agents for radiation therapy.
Researchers from the BioMaps laboratory (SHFJ) and the Molecular Engineering for Health Service (SIMoS, DMTS) developed an enzymatic approach for radiofluorination of an anti-PD-L1 Fab and compared its in vivo properties to the same Fab stochastically labeled by two conventional methods.
Researchers from the SHFJ, in collaboration with NeuroSpin, show that the use of focused ultrasound does not increase the therapeutic effects of cetuximab on glioblastoma although the opening of the blood-brain barrier is transiently effective.
A Li2D (SPI/DMTS) team used tandem mass spectrometry to identify microorganisms in sputum samples from cystic fibrosis patients. A promising proteotyping approach that provides an expanded and unbiased view of the cystic fibrosis microbiota and could be complementary to microbiological monitoring of patients.
Through two publications, an I2BC team demonstrates the high biotechnological potential of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 for the photosynthetic production of high value-added organic compounds, the terpenes.
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.