Aptamers can be selected against any type of target (small molecules, peptides, proteins, cells, etc.) and characterized in terms of affinity, specificity and biological activity. It is also possible to conjugate the aptamer with a fluorophore or radioactive molecule for imaging. Aptamers can thus be used as therapeutics or diagnostic molecules.
Recently, we developed a method (PATTERNITY.seq) to improve aptamer selection by high-throughput sequencing. This « Big data » solution allows an analysis of molecular evolution with unprecedented resolution.
The platform is open to fee for service or collaborative projects with industry or academic laboratories. By ensuring the protection of the intellectual property (patents, confidentiality agreements, MTAs, etc.), we work with our partners to meet their needs as closely as possible.
- Aptamer synthesis, purification and labelling
- Semi-automated aptamer selection
- High-throughput sequencing and aptamer prediction based on PATTERNITY.seq
- Aptamer engineering (size reduction, chemical modifications, fluorescent
and radioactive labeling)
- Characterization of affinity (Kd, Kon, Koff, Cmax) and cell
- In vivo biological effect of
aptamers can be explored through MIRCen’s imaging platforms (optical imaging
and PET)
Robot for the selection and characterization of
| Improvement of aptamer affinity for MCF-7 cells by molecular engineering. Top : affinity of the starting aptamer ; Down : affinity
of the improved aptamer

High-throughput sequencing to monitor the evolution of aptamer variants
during a SELEX

High-throughput sequencing analysis of aptamer affinity-enhancing
- Semi-automated platform for the selection of aptamers
- Molecular biology equipment for the production and purification of
- Biosafety level 2 cell culture rooms
- Hot Room dedicated to the manipulation of radioelements and affinity
measurement (robot, LigandTracer)
- Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Illumina
- Workstation for bioinformatics analysis
- Near-infrared fluorescence imaging system equipped with two lasers (680
et 740nm) enabling quantitative imaging by diffuse optical tomography (fDOT)
with a mm3 resolution
- Fibered confocal endo-microscopy system (pCLE) equipped with a laser
488nm for in vivo imaging of fluorescent probes with a resolution of just a few