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Laboratoire | Cerveau

NeuroPhysics Team

Study the effect of anesthetic agents on brain blood oxygenation

​We are currently working on developing algorithms for the classification of clinically relevant anesthetics.

Publié le 26 juin 2023

Recent studies showed that ultra-high-field MRI can be used to monitor in real time the action of anesthetic agents on brain blood oxygenation.

Our results demonstrate that administering certain anesthetics leads to an increase in the contrast observed between tissues and veins, and that not all anesthetics produce the same effect (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0032645).

We are currently working on developing algorithms for the classification of clinically relevant anesthetics.    ​

Difference images obtained by subtracting images acquired under two anesthesia conditions at 17.2T. (A) isoflurane - medetomidine, sagittal plane (the image difference is superimposed on the image acquired under medetomidine) (B) isoflurane – medetomidine 3D rendering (C) isoflurane – ketamine-xylazine 3D rendering  The images are acquired at 17.2 T. Resolution 120 µm×120 µm×120 µm
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