Intranasal administration of Acinetobacter lwoffii in a murine model of asthma induces IL-6-mediated protection associated with cecal microbiota changes | Alashkar Alhamwe B, Gao Z, Alhamdan F, Harb H, Pichene M, Garnier A, El Andari J, Kaufmann A, Graumann PL, Kesper D, Daviaud C, Garn H, Tost J, Potaczek DP, Blaser MJ and Renz H | |  | Identification of extracellular vesicle microRNA signatures specifically linked to inflammatory and metabolic mechanisms in obesity-associated low type-2 asthma | Alhamdan F, Greulich T, Daviaud C, Marsh LM, Pedersen F, Tholken C, Pfefferle PI, Bahmer T, Potaczek DP, Tost J and Garn H | |  | DNA methylation dynamics during pregnancy | Fradin D, Tost J, Busato F, Mille C, Lachaux F, Deleuze JF, Apter G and Benachi A | |  | Prenatal exposure to triclosan assessed in multiple urine samples and placental DNA methylation | Jedynak P, Broseus L, Tost J, Busato F, Gabet S, Thomsen C, Sakhi AK, Pin I, Slama R, Lepeule J and Philippat C | |  | High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis: A New Method Applied to Maternal Smoking, Placental DNA Methylation, and Birth Outcomes | Jumentier B, Barrot CC, Estavoyer M, Tost J, Heude B, Francois O and Lepeule J | |  | Epigenome-Wide Associations of Placental DNA Methylation and Behavioral and Emotional Difficulties in Children at 3 Years of Age | Nakamura A, Broseus L, Tost J, Vaiman D, Martins S, Keyes K, Bonello K, Fekom M, Strandberg-Larsen K, Sutter-Dallay AL, Heude B, Melchior M and Lepeule J | |  | Do not be scared of the genome's 5th base-Explaining phenotypic variability and evolutionary dynamics through DNA methylation analysis | | |  | Application of Genomic Sequencing to Refine Patient Stratification for Adjuvant Therapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma | Vasudev NS, Scelo G, Glennon KI, Wilson M, Letourneau L, Eveleigh R, Nourbehesht N, Arseneault M, Paccard A, Egevad L, Viksna J, Celms E, Jackson SM, Abedi-Ardekani B, Warren AY, Selby PJ, Trainor S, Kimuli M, Cartledge J, Soomro N, Adeyoju A, Patel PM, Wozniak MB, Holcatova I, Brisuda A, Janout V, Chanudet E, Zaridze D, Moukeria A, Shangina O, Foretova L, Navratilova M, Mates D, Jinga V, Bogdanovic L, Kovacevic B, Cambon-Thomsen A, Bourque G, Brazma A, Tost J, Brennan P, Lathrop M, Riazalhosseini Y and Banks RE | |  | DNA hypomethylation of the host tree impairs interaction with mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus | Vigneaud J, Kohler A, Sow MD, Delaunay A, Fauchery L, Guinet F, Daviaud C, Barry KW, Keymanesh K, Johnson J, Singan V, Grigoriev I, Fichot R, Conde D, Perales M, Tost J, Martin FM, Allona I, Strauss SH, Veneault-Fourrey C and Maury S | |  | Intranasal administration of Acinetobacter lwoffii in a murine model of asthma induces IL-6-mediated protection associated with caecal microbiota changes | Alhamwe BA, Gao Z, Alhamdan F, Harb H, Pichene M, Garnier A, El Andari J, Kaufmann A, Graumann PL, Kesper D, Daviaud C, Garn H, Tost J, Potaczek DP, Blaser MJ and Renz H | |  | CD4(+) T-cell DNA methylation changes during pregnancy significantly correlate with disease-associated methylation changes in autoimmune diseases | Badam TV, Hellberg S, Mehta RB, Lechner-Scott J, Lea RA, Tost J, Mariette X, Svensson-Arvelund J, Nestor CE, Benson M, Berg G, Jenmalm MC, Gustafsson M and Ernerudh J | |  | Subtype and cell type specific expression of lncRNAs provide insight into breast cancer | Bjorklund SS, Aure MR, Hakkinen J, Vallon-Christersson J, Kumar S, Evensen KB, Fleischer T, Tost J, Osbreac, Sahlberg KK, Mathelier A, Bhanot G, Ganesan S, Tekpli X and Kristensen VN | |  | Maternal blood pressure associates with placental DNA methylation both directly and through alterations in cell-type composition | Broseus L, Vaiman D, Tost J, Martin CRS, Jacobi M, Schwartz JD, Beranger R, Slama R, Heude B and Lepeule J | |  | Epigenetically regulated PCDHB15 impairs aggressiveness of metastatic melanoma cells | Carrier A, Desjobert C, Lobjois V, Rigal L, Busato F, Tost J, Ensenyat-Mendez M, Marzese DM, Pradines A, Favre G, Lamant L, Lanfrancone L, Etievant C, Arimondo PB and Riond J | |  | DNA methylome combined with chromosome cluster-oriented analysis provides an early signature for cutaneous melanoma aggressiveness | Carrier A, Desjobert C, Ponger L, Lamant L, Bustos M, Torres-Ferreira J, Henrique R, Jeronimo C, Lanfrancone L, Delmas A, Favre G, Daunay A, Busato F, Hoon DSB, Tost J, Etievant C, Riond J and Arimondo PB | |  | From Methylome to Integrative Analysis of Tissue Specificity | Duge de Bernonville T, Daviaud C, Chaparro C, Tost J and Maury S | |  | A meta-analysis of pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index and placental DNA methylation identifies 27 CpG sites with implications for mother-child health | Fernandez-Jimenez N, Fore R, Cilleros-Portet A, Lepeule J, Perron P, Kvist T, Tian FY, Lesseur C, Binder AM, Lozano M, Martorell-Marugan J, Loke YJ, Bakulski KM, Zhu Y, Forhan A, Sammallahti S, Everson TM, Chen J, Michels KB, Belmonte T, Carmona-Saez P, Halliday J, Daniele Fallin M, LaSalle JM, Tost J, Czamara D, Fernandez MF, Gomez-Martin A, Craig JM, Gonzalez-Alzaga B, Schmidt RJ, Dou JF, Muggli E, Lacasana M, Vrijheid M, Marsit CJ, Karagas MR, Raikkonen K, Bouchard L, Heude B, Santa-Marina L, Bustamante M, Hivert MF and Bilbao JR | |  | Pregnancy exposure to phthalates and DNA methylation in male placenta - An epigenome-wide association study | Jedynak P, Tost J, Calafat AM, Bourova-Flin E, Broseus L, Busato F, Forhan A, Heude B, Jakobi M, Schwartz J, Slama R, Vaiman D, Lepeule J and Philippat C | |  | Methylome-wide analysis of IVF neonates that underwent embryo culture in different media revealed no significant differences | Koeck RM, Busato F, Tost J, Consten D, van Echten-Arends J, Mastenbroek S, Wurth Y, Remy S, Langie S, Nawrot TS, Plusquin M, Alfano R, Bijnens EM, Gielen M, van Golde R, Dumoulin JCM, Brunner H, van Montfoort APA and Zamani Esteki M | |  | At age 9, the methylome of assisted reproductive technology children that underwent embryo culture in different media is not significantly different on a genome-wide scale | Koeck RM, Busato F, Tost J, Zandstra H, Remy S, Langie S, Gielen M, van Golde R, Dumoulin JCM, Brunner H, Zamani Esteki M and van Montfoort APA | |  | Association between dietary patterns reflecting one-carbon metabolism nutrients intake before pregnancy and placental DNA methylation | Lecorguille M, Charles MA, Lepeule J, Lioret S, de Lauzon-Guillain B, Forhan A, Tost J, Suderman M and Heude B | |  | DNA methylation changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy are associated with breast cancer survival | Pedersen CA, Cao MD, Fleischer T, Rye MB, Knappskog S, Eikesdal HP, Lonning PE, Tost J, Kristensen VN, Tessem MB, Giskeodegard GF and Bathen TF | |  | Current and Emerging Technologies for the Analysis of the Genome-Wide and Locus-Specific DNA Methylation Patterns | | |  | Epigenomic technologies: an interview with Jorg Tost | | |  | Introducing the research article reporting checklist for bioinformatic and data re-analysis studies | | |  | Crosstalk between microRNA expression and DNA methylation drives the hormone-dependent phenotype of breast cancer | Aure MR, Fleischer T, Bjorklund S, Ankill J, Castro-Mondragon JA, Osbreac, Borresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Sahlberg KK, Mathelier A, Tekpli X and Kristensen VN | |  | CD4(+) T-cell DNA methylation changes during pregnancy significantly correlate with disease-associated methylation changes in autoimmune diseases | Badam TV, Hellberg S, Mehta RB, Lechner-Scott J, Lea RA, Tost J, Mariette X, Svensson-Arvelund J, Nestor CE, Benson M, Berg G, Jenmalm MC, Gustafsson M and Ernerudh J | |  | MYT1L-associated neurodevelopmental disorder: description of 40 new cases and literature review of clinical and molecular aspects | Coursimault J, Guerrot AM, Morrow MM, Schramm C, Zamora FM, Shanmugham A, Liu S, Zou F, Bilan F, Le Guyader G, Bruel AL, Denomme-Pichon AS, Faivre L, Tran Mau-Them F, Tessarech M, Colin E, El Chehadeh S, Gerard B, Schaefer E, Cogne B, Isidor B, Nizon M, Doummar D, Valence S, Heron D, Keren B, Mignot C, Coutton C, Devillard F, Alaix AS, Amiel J, Colleaux L, Munnich A, Poirier K, Rio M, Rondeau S, Barcia G, Callewaert B, Dheedene A, Kumps C, Vergult S, Menten B, Chung WK, Hernan R, Larson A, Nori K, Stewart S, Wheless J, Kresge C, Pletcher BA, Caumes R, Smol T, Sigaudy S, Coubes C, Helm M, Smith R, Morrison J, Wheeler PG, Kritzer A, Jouret G, Afenjar A, Deleuze JF, Olaso R, Boland A, Poitou C, Frebourg T, Houdayer C, Saugier-Veber P, Nicolas G and Lecoquierre F | |  | Genetics and Cognitive Vulnerability to Sleep Deprivation in Healthy Subjects: Interaction of ADORA2A, TNF-alpha and COMT Polymorphisms | Erblang M, Drogou C, Gomez-Merino D, Rabat A, Guillard M, Beers PV, Quiquempoix M, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Olaso R, Derbois C, Prost M, Dorey R, Leger D, Thomas C, Chennaoui M and Sauvet F | |  | Placental DNA methylation signatures of maternal smoking during pregnancy and potential impacts on fetal growth | Everson TM, Vives-Usano M, Seyve E, Cardenas A, Lacasana M, Craig JM, Lesseur C, Baker ER, Fernandez-Jimenez N, Heude B, Perron P, Gonzalez-Alzaga B, Halliday J, Deyssenroth MA, Karagas MR, Iniguez C, Bouchard L, Carmona-Saez P, Loke YJ, Hao K, Belmonte T, Charles MA, Martorell-Marugan J, Muggli E, Chen J, Fernandez MF, Tost J, Gomez-Martin A, London SJ, Sunyer J, Marsit CJ, Lepeule J, Hivert MF and Bustamante M | |  | Comprehensive miRNome-Wide Profiling in a Neuronal Cell Model of Synucleinopathy Implies Involvement of Cell Cycle Genes | Findeiss E, Schwarz SC, Evsyukov V, Rosler TW, Hollerhage M, Chakroun T, Nykanen NP, Shen YM, Wurst W, Kohl M, Tost J and Hoglinger GU | Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9 (), 561086, 2021 |  | Pregnancy exposure to synthetic phenols and placental DNA methylation - An epigenome-wide association study in male infants from the EDEN cohort | Jedynak P, Tost J, Calafat AM, Bourova-Flin E, Busato F, Forhan A, Heude B, Jakobi M, Rousseaux S, Schwartz J, Slama R, Vaiman D, Philippat C and Lepeule J | |  | No methylome differences observed in IVF children born after embryo culture in different culture media | Koeck R, Tost J, Busato F, Consten D, Van Echten-Arends J, Mastenbroek S, Wurth Y, Zandstra H, Van Golde R, Dumoulin J, Brunner H, Esteki MZ and Van Montfoort A | |  | Association between dietary patterns reflecting one-carbon metabolism nutrients intake before pregnancy and placental DNA methylation | Lecorguille M, Charles MA, Lepeule J, Lioret S, de Lauzon-Guillain B, Forhan A, Tost J, Suderman M and Heude B | |  | Using RNA-seq to Assess Off-Target Effects of Antisense Oligonucleotides in Human Cell Lines | Michel S, Schirduan K, Shen Y, Klar R, Tost J and Jaschinski F | |  | Analysis and annotation of DNA methylation in two nonhuman primate species using the Infinium Human Methylation 450K and EPIC BeadChips | Pichon F, Shen YM, Busato F, Jochems SP, Jacquelin B, Le Grand R, Deleuze JF, Muller-Trutwin M and Tost J | |  | RNAi suppression of DNA methylation affects the drought stress response and genome integrity in transgenic poplar | Sow MD, Le Gac AL, Fichot R, Lanciano S, Delaunay A, Le Jan I, Lesage-Descauses MC, Citerne S, Caius J, Brunaud V, Soubigou-Taconnat L, Cochard H, Segura V, Chaparro C, Grunau C, Daviaud C, Tost J, Brignolas F, Strauss SH, Mirouze M and Maury S | |  | Circulating miRNAs as Biomarker in Cancer | | |  | The impact of microRNAs on alterations of gene regulatory networks in allergic diseases | Baskara-Yhuellou I and Tost J | |  | Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes | | Nature 578 (7793), 82-93, 2020 |  | Developmental Methylome of the Medicinal PlantCatharanthus roseusUnravels the Tissue-Specific Control of the Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid Pathway by DNA Methylation | de Bernonville TD, Maury S, Delaunay A, Daviaud C, Chaparro C, Tost J, O'Connor SE and Courdavault V | |  | Molecular Mechanisms of Trophoblast Dysfunction Mediated by Imbalance between STOX1 Isoforms | Ducat A, Couderc B, Bouter A, Biquard L, Aouache R, Passet B, Doridot L, Cohen MB, Ribaux P, Apicella C, Gaillard I, Palfray S, Chen YL, Vargas A, Jule A, Frelin L, Cocquet J, San Martin CR, Jacques S, Busato F, Tost J, Mehats C, Laissue P, Vilotte JL, Miralles F and Vaiman D | |  | DNA methylation changes in metabolic and immune-regulatory pathways in blood and lymph node CD4 + T cells in response to SIV infections | Jochems SP, Jacquelin B, Tchitchek N, Busato F, Pichon F, Huot N, Liu Y, Ploquin MJ, Roche E, Cheynier R, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Stahl-Henning C, Le Grand R, Tost J and Muller-Trutwin M | |  | Recent findings in the genetics and epigenetics of asthma and allergy | | |  | Loss of Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (Fmrp) Precedes Lewy Pathology in Parkinson's Disease | Koeglsperger T, Tan Y, Sgobio C, Arzberger T, Machleid F, Tang Q, Findeis E, Tost J, Chakroun T, Gao P, Hollerhage M, Botzel K, Herms J and Hoglinger G | |  | Immediate and durable effects of maternal tobacco consumption alter placental DNA methylation in enhancer and imprinted gene-containing regions | Rousseaux S, Seyve E, Chuffart F, Bourova-Flin E, Benmerad M, Charles MA, Forhan A, Heude B, Siroux V, Slama R, Tost J, Vaiman D, Khochbin S, Lepeule J and Grp EM-CCS | |  | Epigenetic modulation of AREL1 and increased HLA expression in brains of multiple system atrophy patients | Rydbirk R, Folke J, Busato F, Roche E, Chauhan AS, Lokkegaard A, Hejl AM, Bode M, Blaabjerg M, Moller M, Danielsen EH, Brudek T, Pakkenberg B, Tost J and Aznar S | |  | Involvement of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type II in FoxP3 Stability and as a Marker of Treg Cells Specifically Expanded by Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Treatments in Rheumatoid Arthritis | Santinon F, Batignes M, Mebrek ML, Biton JM, Clavel G, Herve R, Lemeiter D, Breckler M, Busato F, Tost J, Ziol M, Boissier MC, Decker P, Semerano L and Bessis N | |  | Loss of fragile X mental retardation protein precedes Lewy pathology in Parkinson's disease | Tan Y, Sgobio C, Arzberger T, Machleid F, Tang Q, Findeis E, Tost J, Chakroun T, Gao P, Hollerhage M, Botzel K, Herms J, Hoglinger G and Koeglsperger T | |  | 10 years of Epigenomics: a journey with the epigenetic community through exciting times | | |  | Strengthening epithelial barriers through modulation of the histone code in allergic diseases - a novel approach for preventing the atopic march? | | |  | Genome sequencing in cytogenetics: Comparison of short-read and linked-read approaches for germline structural variant detection and characterization | Uguen K, Jubin C, Duffourd Y, Bardel C, Malan V, Dupont JM, El Khattabi L, Chatron N, Vitobello A, Rollat-Farnier PA, Baulard C, Lelorch M, Leduc A, Tisserant E, Mau-Them FT, Danjean V, Delepine M, Till M, Meyer V, Lyonnet S, Mosca-Boidron AL, Thevenon J, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Schluth-Bolard C, Boland A, Olaso R, Callier P, Romana S, Deleuze JF and Sanlaville D | |  | Expression of miRNAs from the Imprinted DLK1/DIO3 Locus Signals the Osteogenic Potential of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells | Barrault L, Gide J, Qing T, Lesueur L, Tost J, Denis JA, Cailleret M, Aubry L, Peschanski M, Martinat C and Baghdoyan S | |  | Demethylation by low-dose 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine impairs 3D melanoma invasion partially through miR-199a-3p expression revealing the role of this miR in melanoma | Desjobert C, Carrier A, Delmas A, Marzese DM, Daunay A, Busato F, Pillon A, Tost J, Riond J, Favre G, Etievant C and Arimondo PB | |  | Deregulation of microRNA expression in monocytes and CD4(+) T lymphocytes from patients with axial spondyloarthritis | Fogel O, Bugge Tinggaard A, Fagny M, Sigrist N, Roche E, Leclere L, Deleuze JF, Batteux F, Dougados M, Miceli-Richard C and Tost J | |  | Enhanced-ice-COLD-PCR for the Sensitive Detection of Rare DNA Methylation Patterns in Liquid Biopsies | | |  | Gata3 hypermethylation and Foxp3 hypomethylation are associated with sustained protection and bystander effect following epicutaneous immunotherapy in peanut-sensitized mice | Mondoulet L, Dioszeghy V, Busato F, Plaquet C, Dhelft V, Bethune K, Leclere L, Daviaud C, Ligouis M, Sampson H, Dupont C and Tost J | |  | Loss of fragile X mental retardation protein precedes Lewy pathology in Parkinson's disease | Tan Y, Sgobio C, Arzberger T, Machleid F, Tang Q, Findeis E, Tost J, Chakroun T, Gao P, Hollerhage M, Botzel K, Herms J, Hoglinger G and Koeglsperger T | |  | Development of high-resolution melting analysis for ABCB1 promoter methylation: Clinical consequences in breast and ovarian carcinoma | Vaclavikova R, Klajic J, Brynychova V, Elsnerova K, Alnaes GIG, Tost J, Kristensen VN, Rob L, Kodet R, Skapa P, Mrhalova M and Soucek P | |  | Pregnancy exposure to atmospheric pollution and meteorological conditions and placental DNA methylation | Abraham E, Rousseaux S, Agier L, Giorgis-Allemand L, Tost J, Galineau J, Hulin A, Siroux V, Vaiman D, Charles MA, Heude B, Forhan A, Schwartz J, Chuffart F, Bourova-Flin E, Khochbin S, Slama R and Lepeule J | |  | A Summary of the Biological Processes, Disease-Associated Changes, and Clinical Applications of DNA Methylation | | |  | miRNA profiling identifies deregulated miRNAs associated with osteosarcoma development and time to metastasis in two large cohorts | Andersen GB, Knudsen A, Hager H, Hansen LL and Tost J | |  | Quantitative DNA Methylation Analysis at Single-Nucleotide Resolution by Pyrosequencing(R) | Busato F, Dejeux E, El Abdalaoui H, Gut IG and Tost J | |  | Whole-Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Using the Ovation(R) Ultralow Methyl-Seq Protocol | Daviaud C, Renault V, Mauger F, Deleuze JF and Tost J | |  | Whole-Genome Bisulfite Sequencing for the Analysis of Genome-Wide DNA Methylation and Hydroxymethylation Patterns at Single-Nucleotide Resolution | Kernaleguen M, Daviaud C, Shen Y, Bonnet E, Renault V, Deleuze JF, Mauger F and Tost J | |  | White Blood Cell BRCA1 Promoter Methylation Status and Ovarian Cancer Risk | Lonning PE, Berge EO, Bjornslett M, Minsaas L, Chrisanthar R, Hoberg-Vetti H, Dulary C, Busato F, Bjorneklett S, Eriksen C, Kopperud R, Axcrona U, Davidson B, Bjorge L, Evans DG, Howell A, Salvesen HB, Janszky I, Hveem K, Romundstad PR, Vatten LJ, Tost J, Dorum A and Knappskog S | |  | Dynamic changes of DNA methylation and lung disease in cystic fibrosis: lessons from a monogenic disease | Magalhaes M, Tost J, Pineau F, Rivals I, Busato F, Alary N, Mely L, Leroy S, Murris M, Caimmi D, Claustres M, Chiron R and Sario A | |  | Enrichment of methylated molecules using enhanced-ice-co-amplification at lower denaturation temperature-PCR (E-ice-COLD-PCR) for the sensitive detection of disease-related hypermethylation | Mauger F, Kernaleguen M, Lallemand C, Kristensen VN, Deleuze JF and Tost J | |  | A General Framework for Interrogation of mRNA Stability Programs Identifies RNA-Binding Proteins that Govern Cancer Transcriptomes | Perron G, Jandaghi P, Solanki S, Safisamghabadi M, Storoz C, Karimzadeh M, Papadakis AI, Arseneault M, Scelo G, Banks RE, Tost J, Lathrop M, Tanguay S, Brazma A, Huang S, Brimo F, Najafabadi HS and Riazalhosseini Y | |  | Consequences of VHL Loss on Global DNA Methylome | Robinson CM, Lefebvre F, Poon BP, Bousard A, Fan X, Lathrop M, Tost J, Kim WY, Riazalhosseini Y and Ohh M | |  | Methylation of imprinted IGF2 regions is associated with total, visceral, and hepatic adiposity in postmenopausal women | Song MA, Ernst T, Tiirikainen M, Tost J, Wilkens LR, Chang LD, Kolonel LN, Le Marchand L and Lim U | |  | Epigenetics in Forest Trees: State of the Art and Potential Implications for Breeding and Management in a Context of Climate Change | Sow MD, Allona I, Ambroise C, Conde D, Fichot R, Gribkova S, Jorge V, Le-Provost G, Paques L, Plomion C, Salse J, Sanchez-Rodriguez L, Segura V, Tost J and Maury S | |  | A translational perspective on epigenetics in allergic diseases | | |  | Epigenetic plasticity of eosinophils and other immune cell subsets in childhood asthma | | |  | Twin DNA methylation profiling reveals flare-dependent interferon signature and B-cell promoter hypermethylation in systemic lupus erythematosus | Ulff-Moller CJ, Asmar F, Liu Y, Svendsen AJ, Busato F, Gronbaek K, Tost J and Jacobsen S | |  | Deregulation of microRNA expression in purified T and B lymphocytes from patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome | Wang-Renault SF, Boudaoud S, Nocturne G, Roche E, Sigrist N, Daviaud C, Tinggaard AB, Renault V, Deleuze JF, Mariette X and Tost J | |  | Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy reveals major changes at DLX1 | Weber A, Schwarz SC, Tost J, Trumbach D, Winter P, Busato F, Tacik P, Windhorst AC, Fagny M, Arzberger T, McLean C, van Swieten JC, Schwarz J, Vogt Weisenhorn D, Wurst W, Adhikary T, Dickson DW, Hoglinger GU and Muller U | |  | Loss of chromosome Y leads to down regulation of KDM5D and KDM6C epigenetic modifiers in clear cell renal cell carcinoma | Arseneault M, Monlong J, Vasudev NS, Laskar RS, Safisamghabadi M, Harnden P, Egevad L, Nourbehesht N, Panichnantakul P, Holcatova I, Brisuda A, Janout V, Kollarova H, Foretova L, Navratilova M, Mates D, Jinga V, Zaridze D, Mukeria A, Jandaghi P, Brennan P, Brazma A, Tost J, Scelo G, Banks RE, Lathrop M, Bourque G and Riazalhosseini Y | |  | DNA methylation signature (SAM40) identifies subgroups of the Luminal A breast cancer samples with distinct survival | Fleischer T, Klajic J, Aure MR, Louhimo R, Pladsen AV, Ottestad L, Touleimat N, Laakso M, Halvorsen AR, Grenaker Alnaes GI, Riis ML, Helland A, Hautaniemi S, Lonning PE, Naume B, Borresen-Dale AL, Tost J and Kristensen VN | |  | DNA methylation at enhancers identifies distinct breast cancer lineages | Fleischer T, Tekpli X, Mathelier A, Wang S, Nebdal D, Dhakal HP, Sahlberg KK, Schlichting E, Borresen-Dale AL, Borgen E, Naume B, Eskeland R, Frigessi A, Tost J, Hurtado A and Kristensen VN | |  | Epigenetic Changes in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases | Fogel O, Richard-Miceli C and Tost J | |  | Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis Identifies Specific Epigenetic Marks In Severely Obese Children | Fradin D, Boelle PY, Belot MP, Lachaux F, Tost J, Besse C, Deleuze JF, De Filippo G and Bougneres P | |  | Pulmonary endothelial cell DNA methylation signature in pulmonary arterial hypertension | Hautefort A, Chesne J, Preussner J, Pullamsetti SS, Tost J, Looso M, Antigny F, Girerd B, Riou M, Eddahibi S, Deleuze JF, Seeger W, Fadel E, Simonneau G, Montani D, Humbert M and Perros F | |  | Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis in siblings and monozygotic twins discordant for sporadic Parkinson's disease revealed different epigenetic patterns in peripheral blood mononuclear cells | Kaut O, Schmitt I, Tost J, Busato F, Liu Y, Hofmann P, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Frohlich H and Wullner U | |  | Clinical value of early detection of circulating tumour DNA-BRAFV600mut in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with a BRAF inhibitor | Louveau B, Tost J, Mauger F, Sadoux A, Podgorniak MP, How-Kit A, Pages C, Roux J, Da Meda L, Lebbe C and Mourah S | |  | COLD-PCR Technologies in the Area of Personalized Medicine: Methodology and Applications | Mauger F, How-Kit A and Tost J | |  | Nonlethal CHRNA1-Related Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome with a Homozygous Null Mutation | Neto OA, Heise CO, Moreno CDM, Estephan ED, Mesrob L, Lechner D, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Oliveira ASB, Reed UC, Biancalana V, Laporte J and Zanoteli E | |  | Epigenetics and allergy: from basic mechanisms to clinical applications | Potaczek DP, Harb H, Michel S, Alhamwe BA, Renz H and Tost J | |  | aCNViewer: Comprehensive genome-wide visualization of absolute copy number and copy neutral variations | Renault V, Tost J, Pichon F, Wang-Renault SF, Letouze E, Imbeaud S, Zucman-Rossi J, Deleuze JF and How-Kit A | |  | Comparison of the quantification of KRAS mutations by digital PCR and E-ice-COLD-PCR in circulating-cell-free DNA from metastatic colorectal cancer patients | Sefrioui D, Mauger F, Leclere L, Beaussire L, Di Fiore F, Deleuze JF, Sarafan-Vasseur N and Tost J | |  | NSD1 Inactivation and SETD2 Mutation Drive a Convergence toward Loss of Function of H3K36 Writers in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas | Su XP, Zhang JP, Mouawad R, Comperat E, Roupret M, Allanic F, Parra J, Bitker MO, Thompson EJ, Gowrishankar B, Houldsworth J, Weinstein JN, Tost J, Broom BM, Khayat D, Spano JP, Tannir NM and Malouf GG | |  | Epigenetics of the immune system and alterations in inflammation and autoimmunity Foreword | Tost J, Gay S and Firestein G | |  | Systemic epigenetic response to recombinant lentiviral vectors independent of proviral integration | Aranyi T, Stockholm D, Yao R, Poinsignon C, Wiart T, Corre G, Touleimat N, Tost J, Galy A and Paldi A | |  | Genome-wide DNA methylation analyses in lung adenocarcinomas: Association with EGFR, KRAS and TP53 mutation status, gene expression and prognosis | Bjaanaes MM, Fleischer T, Halvorsen AR, Daunay A, Busato F, Solberg S, Jorgensen L, Kure E, Edvardsen H, Borresen-Dale AL, Brustugun OT, Tost J, Kristensen V and Helland A | |  | Quantitative comparison of DNA methylation assays for biomarker development and clinical applications | Bock C, Halbritter F, Carmona FJ, Tierling S, Datlinger P, Assenov Y, Berdasco M, Bergmann AK, Booher K, Busato F, Campan M, Dahl C, Dahmcke CM, Diep D, Fernandez AF, Gerhauser C, Haake A, Heilmann K, Holcomb T, Hussmann D, Ito M, Klaver R, Kreutz M, Kulis M, Lopez V, Nair SS, Paul DS, Plongthongkum N, Qu WJ, Queiros AC, Reinicke F, Sauter G, Schlomm T, Statham A, Stirzaker C, Strogantsev R, Urdinguio RG, Walter K, Weichenhan D, Weisenberger DJ, Beck S, Clark SJ, Esteller M, Ferguson-Smith AC, Fraga MF, Guldberg P, Hansen LL, Laird PW, Martin-Subero JI, Nygren AOH, Peist R, Plass C, Shames DS, Siebert R, Sun XG, Tost J, Walter J, Zhang K and Consortium B | |  | GFRA3 promoter methylation may be associated with decreased postoperative survival in gastric cancer | Eftang LL, Klajic J, Kristensen VN, Tost J, Esbensen QY, Blom GP, Bukholm IRK and Bukholm G | |  | DNA Methylation in Newborns and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy: Genome-wide Consortium Meta-analysis | Joubert BR, Felix JF, Yousefi P, Bakulski KM, Just AC, Breton C, Reese SE, Markunas CA, Richmond RC, Xu CJ, Kupers LK, Oh SS, Hoyo C, Gruzieva O, Soderhal C, Salas LA, Baiz N, Zhang HM, Lepeule J, Ruiz C, Ligthart S, Wang TY, Taylor JA, Duijts L, Sharp GC, Jankipersadsing SA, Nilsen RM, Vaez A, Fallin MD, Hu DL, Litonjua AA, Fuemmeler BF, Huen K, Kere J, Kull I, Munthe-Kaas MC, Gehring U, Bustamante M, Saurel-Coubizolles MJ, Quraishi BM, Ren J, Tost J, Gonzalez JR, Peters MJ, Haberg SE, Xu ZL, van Meurs JB, Gaunt TR, Kerkhof M, Corpeleijn E, Feinberg AP, Eng C, Baccarelli AA, Neelon SEB, Bradman A, Merid SK, Bergstrom A, Herceg Z, Hernandez-Vargas H, Brunekreef B, Pinart M, Heude B, Ewart S, Yao J, Lemonnier N, Franco OH, Wu MC, Hofman A, McArdle W, Van der Vlies P, Falahi F, Gillman MW, Barcellos LF, Kumar A, Wickman M, Guerra S, Charles MA, Holloway J, Auffray C, Tiemeier HW, Smith GD, Postma D, Hivert MF, Eskenazi B, Vrijheid M, Arshad H, Anto JM, Dehghan A, Karmaus W, Annesi-Maesano I, Sunyer J, Ghantous A, Pershagen G, Hollands N, Murphy SK, DeMeo DL, Burchard EG, Ladd-Acosta C, Snieder H, Nystad W, Koppelman GH, Relton CL, Jaddoe VWV, Wilcox A, Melen E and London SJ | |  | Sustained response to salvage therapy for dabrafenib-resistant metastatic Langerhans cell sarcoma | Lorillon G, Mourah S, Vercellino L, de Margerie-Mellon C, Pages C, Goldwirt L, Lebbe C, Tost J and Tazi A | |  | Multiplexing of E-ice-COLD-PCR Assays for Mutation Detection and Identification | Mauger F, Daunay A, Deleuze JF, Tost J and How-Kit A | |  |