UVA irradiation induces relocalisation of the DNA repair protein hOGG1 to nuclear speckles.Campalans, A., Amouroux, R., Bravard, A., Epe, B. and Radicella, J.P.
Nazarkina, Z.K., Khodyreva, S.N., Marsin, S., Lavrik, O.I. and Radicella, J.P.
Is the repair of oxidative DNA base modifications inducible by a preceding DNA damage induction?
Bercht, M., Flohr-Beckhaus, C., Osterod, M., Runger, T.M., Radicella, J.P. and Epe, B.
Study of interaction of XRCC1 with DNA and proteins of base excision repair by photoaffinity labeling technique.
Nazarkina, Z.K., Khodyreva, S.N., Marsin, S., Radicella, J.P. and Lavrik, O.I.
Redox regulation of human OGG1 activity in response to cellular oxidative stress.
Bravard, A., Vacher, M., Gouget, B., Coutant, A., Hillairet de Boisferon, F., Marsin, S., Chevillard, S. and Radicella, J.P.
Helicobacter pylori genes involved in avoidance of mutations induced by 8-oxoguanine.
Mathieu, A., O’Rourke, E.J. and Radicella, J.P.
Suppression of homologous and homeologous recombination by the bacterial MutS2 protein.
Pinto, A.V., Mathieu, A., Marsin, S., Veaute, X., Ielpi, L., Labigne, A. and Radicella, J.P.
APE1 overexpression in XRCC1-deficient cells complements the defective repair of oxidative single-strand breaks but increases genomic instability. Sossou, M., Flohr-Beckhaus, C., Schulz, I., Daboussi, F., Epe, B. and Radicella, J.P.
Campalans, A., Marsin, S., Nakabeppu, Y., O’Connor, T.R., Boiteux, S. and Radicella, J.P.
OGG1 but not Kin17 DNA repair protein is regulated by estrogens in the rat brain.
Araneda, S., Radicella, J.P., Angulo, J.F., Gysling, K. and Forray, M.I.
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