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Comparison of 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose, 18F-fluoro-methyl-choline, and 18F-DPA714 for positron-emission tomography imaging of leukocyte accumulation in the aortic wall of experimental abdominal aneurysms

Publié le 19 mars 2015
Comparison of 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose, 18F-fluoro-methyl-choline, and 18F-DPA714 for positron-emission tomography imaging of leukocyte accumulation in the aortic wall of experimental abdominal aneurysms
Sarda-Mantel L, Alsac JM, Boisgard R, Hervatin F, Montravers F, Tavitian B, Michel JB, Le Guludec D
Année2 012

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