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Patterns and ecological drivers of ocean viral communities

Publié le 22 septembre 2015
Patterns and ecological drivers of ocean viral communities
Brum JR, Ignacio-Espinoza JC, Roux S, Doulcier G, Acinas SG, Alberti A, Chaffron S, Cruaud C, de Vargas C, Gasol JM, Gorsky G, Gregory AC, Guidi L, Hingamp P, Iudicone D, Not F, Ogata H, Pesant S, Poulos BT, Schwenck SM, Speich S, Dimier C, Kandels-Lewis S, Picheral M, Searson S, Bork P, Bowler C, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Karsenti E, Sullivan MB
Année2 015

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